Perfectly Contented: chapter 16

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“.    .    .  be content with such things as ye have.” Hebrews 13 : 5

Someone writes: “This morning as I sat on my study I saw a picture of contentment. It is a dark, dreary day  and it is raining. I watched a robin pull three fat worms from the grass, and hen fly up to the telephone wire just outside my window. And there, ten feet from me, I imagined he have me a knowing wink and began to sing. For a full half-hour I sat and enjoyed he robin’s rendition of ‘Praise ye the Lord.” He was content. He was satisfied with what the heavenly Father had provided, and did not worry about tomorrow. He was singing in the rain.” - anoymous

Three things have taught me courage

          Three things I’ve seen today;

A spider weaving her web

          Which thrice and been swept away.

A child refusing to weep

          In spite of cruel pain.

A robin singing a cheery song

          In the midst of a chilling rain.

                                   - anonymous

The  robin is one of the few birds that sings as cheerfully in the dreary shower of rain as it does in he brilliant sunshine. The person who trusts in Christ as his Saviour, will learn to do the same. - Anonymous

Said the robin to the sparrow:

         “I should really like to know

Why these anxious human beings

         Rush about and worry so.”

Said the sparrow to the robin:

         “Friend, I think that it must be

That they have no heavenly Father

         Such as cares for you and me.”

                                        - Anonymous

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