Akpo's Examination Dilemma

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To God, if I tell you that I like what I'm seeing, then I'm a terrible LIAR!!
Can you imagine?!! Just take a look at this English exam questions this woman set for us! Did she not know the class she teaches is JSS 2?

   "Make a sentence with each of these words", goes the question. The list of words was: " Annihilation; Chagrin; Felicity; Nostalgia; Envisage." 

My anger stemmed from the fact I had not heard of and did not know the words. They were big words for my level. Then how was I to make sentences with words I did not know the meanings? The sad part 😩 of it was that this section carried 25 marks!!

 Maybe this exam might not have been as hard as it is now if Arthur was close to my seat. He has his ways around the English language and if he was close by I would've cheated...no, I mean tapped from his work😏.

But our stupid invigilator, Mrs. Oreoluwa Johnson a.k.a Eagle eye just had to rearrange the class. And now Arthur is at the back of the class, while I'm at the front of the class. Clearly, she did this on purpose to keep an eye on me.

I ran my eyes through the whole class, and I could see everyone was busy writing away. I suddenly became anxious...what am I to do?

But then as a smart guy, a thought struck my mind. It was sentences the teacher said we should make not write the meaning. I smiled to myself, drew out my pen from my pocket, and began to write.

Annihilation - My brother said that he needed a dictionary to find the meaning of annihilation.

Chagrin - " Who can spell the word 'chagrin'? " Mr. Alaba asked the class.

Felicity - I realized that even my father could not even explain what felicity means.

Nostalgia - When the teacher asked the class who could spell the word nostalgia, nobody raised his or her hand.

Envisage - When I returned home from school, I told my mother that I had learned the meaning of envisage.

After I'd read what I wrote, I almost laughed. Anyway, the Teacher would understand that I had not given her the answer as she had expected but of course, she would not fault me after all, I had made sentences. I grinned.

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