Start from the beginning

''Yeah, okay. We can do that. Mia can talk to the head of our accounts division and we'll have a look at all the accounts.''

''Once we are clear about what is wrong with our financial statements, we can have a board meeting to discuss things further.'' Mr.Chapman said.

''We cannot afford to lose our clients and investors based on some shitty rumour or mistakes in our financial statements. The situation needs to be rectified.''

"Okay, now that that's out of the way. When were you two going to tell me that you were getting married? And when was I gonna recieve my invitation?" Mr.Chapman asked us.

My face must have been a sight to behold. My mouth was gaping like a frog.

"Who the hell told you we were getting married?" Trevor asked his dad, apparently he was also blushing.

"If not for your wedding, what were you both doing venue hunting and cake tasting? He sounded weirdly amused by all this.

"Oh come on, dad. It was not for our wedding. It was for your birthday. Can't you let a surprise be a surprise." Trevor was pouting like a kid now.

"Okay. Now how was I supposed to know that? And anyways, I would have been more excited if you two were actually getting married." Stephen said as a matter of fact.

By this point I was blushing profusely. This was the first time I was lost for words. My face was flushed and hot.

"We are not even together dad. By the way, who told you about venue hunting and cake tasting?" Trevor asked.

"Its all over the tabloids. Go check for yourself." As soon as Stephen said that, my phone was in my hands .

"Ummm...Trevor. It's actually all over the news. Our snippets at the venue yesterday and today at the bakery. There are all sorts of theories about our wedding." I was left baffled reading the tabloids.

"It even says that you are getting married because Mia's pregnant with your child."

This was a whole new level of embarrassing and I was ready to dart out of the office. I mean those were such absurd theories.

"When I get married, everyone would know dad. It won't be a secret for media tabloids to discover. And as of this rumour, it will end by Saturday." Trevor was trying to hide his smile.

"Uhmm, I think we are by large deviating from the main point of discussion." I finally interrupted, changing the topic.

"Yes, sorry Mia for embarrassing you. Anyways, I should get going. Just do whatever needs to be done before the board meeting.''

"And do you think just calling a meeting would be enough?" I asked.

"We can clarify this confusion about fake inflation and give them a view of our charts and numbers." Trevor said to me.

"Well okay then. Its decided. Now get back to work.'' Stephen said, getting up from the chair.

"By the way, dad. Me and Mia would be taking a day off tomorrow for Saturday's party's preparations." Trevor called out to Stephen as he was getting out of the office.

"No need to inform me kid. You and Mia already work so hard, you deserve a day off."  Stephen replied walking out of the office towards the elevator.

It was quarter to six now and I was finishing up my work, ready to call it a day when my phone rang. Caller id showed Dad.

"Hey daddy." I squealed over the phone.

"Hey kiddo. You seem too happy to be hearing your old man's voice." Dad laughed.

"Oh dad. You know I'm always happy hearing your voice." I have always been a daddy's girl.

"Haha. I just called to inform you that me and your mother would be arriving SeaTac by around 2'o clock tomorrow afternoon."

"Umm, dad I don't think I would be able to be there to receive you guys. We can meet at my place or wherever you like after 4. " I told him.

"Oh don't worry kid. We will meet you at your place at say around 5. Will it be good for you?"

"Yes dad. See you tomorrow then. Goodnight dad." I hung up.

It was close to 7 by the time I was home. Today apparently Liv was home too.

"Hey stranger." I told her.

"Come on Mia, it was just two days."

"In a row. You know how I get when I'm alone." I tell her pouting.

"Awww. I'm sorry darling." She actually thought I was serious.

"Hey, don't be. I was just kidding." I said joking.

"Whatever. Go freshen up. And then you are going to help me make chicken quesedillas." She said, pushing me towards my room.

"Okay. I love them."

It was almost 8.30 now and we had placed our chicken quesedillas in the oven.

"Hey I totally forgot to tell you. Mom and Dad are coming tomorrow for Saturday's party." I told Liv.

"Okay. Will they be coming here?"

"Yeah they will. Maybe after 5 in the evening. If I'm not home by then, can you please just keep them company." I asked her.

"Oh you know I will. You working late tomorrow. You can take off early, right?" She told me.

"Actually I'm not working tomorrow. Trevor needs my help with arrangements at the venue. So we would be there. So there is a possibility I might be late."

At that a sly grin slowly spread on her face.

"Are you two secretly dating?" Not her too.

"What! Have you lost it. I'm not dating him. If this is about tomorrow, you know its all about arrangements." I said, exasperated.

"Naah, its not about tomorrow. I saw the tabloids today. I was just teasing you." She explained and started laughing.

"Oh you should have seen your face." And she was laughing more.

"Haha, very funny." I said, unamused.

After dinner, I decided that I should give a look at my dresses and see which one I was gonna wear for the party.

"I think this has clubbing feel to it." Liv exclaimed at a silver dress I had on.

"I have tried almost a dozen of these dresses. Nothing is perfect for the event. What am I gonna do?" I fell backwards on my bed beside Liv.

"We can go dress shopping. I am in need for some dresses too."

"Ofcourse we can. How about tomorrow you, me and Mom go on a shopping trip?" I suggested.

"Perfect."  Liv jumped out of my bed.


And there you have the fourth chapter.

Everyone who has read and voted for this book so far, thanks a lot. Please share it with your friends and family and tell them to give it a try.

Anyways, happy reading. Good day to all.

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