"Mary." I mumbled remembering she was supposed to be in the house. "Mary!" I ran to find her, but she wasn't anywhere in the house. The only thing I could think of doing is to look in dad's journal to see if I can find where she was. I drove as quickly as I could to get to where Mary was. When I pulled up I saw her kissing the demon, meaning she made the deal. I quickly got out of the car.

"No!" I pulled the gun out to get the shot, but before I could the demon released itself from Samuel, the black smoke shot out of his mouth. I looked at Mary, I bit my tongue as I watched my father come back to life in her lap. My jaw clicked when I heard the sound of wings and a hand wrapping around my shoulder. I looked back to see Castiel standing there, he had a look on his face that almost seemed sad as a sour look crossed mine. With that he took me back to my timeline.

      I gasped awake, I lifted my head and looked around, I was still in my shared bed with Dean, who still lied asleep. I looked over and saw Castiel standing there with a hard look on his face. I pushed the blanket off of me as I sat up.

"I couldn't stop any of it. She still made the deal." I say quietly. "She still died in the nursery, didn't she?"

"Don't be too hard on yourself. You couldn't have stopped it." Castiel said, I stared at him in disbelief before I started standing up.

"What?" I questioned after standing to my full height.

"Destiny can't be changed, McKenna. All roads lead to the same destination." Castiel turned his body to face me.

"Then why'd you send me back?"

"For the truth. Now you know everything we do."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I hissed, his eyes moved over to Sam's bed. I turned my head following his gaze, Sam's bed was completely empty, it hadn't even been touched. "Where's Sam?" I questioned looking back at the angel.

"We know what Azazel did to your brother. What we don't know is why-- What his endgame is. He went to great lengths to cover that up." Castiel said, avoiding my questions.

"Where's Sam?" I repeat with a little more urgency in my tone.

"425 Waterman." Castiel answered, I rounded the bed to get Dean up as quickly as possible. "Your brother is headed down a dangerous road, McKenna. And we're not sure where it leads. So stop it. Or we will." I looked over at him as he said the threat, my jaw clenched tightly, he fluttered away.

"Dean." I say shaking my brother. "Dean!" Dean shot awake. "Come on, we gotta go. Now! I'm driving." Dean quickly followed me out the door asking me questions. "Shut up! I'll answer them when we get there."

      Once we got to the place where Sam was, I watched through a window as he used his abilities to expel a demon out of a person. My jaw clenched as I watched, the girl that was in there was no doubt Ruby. Dean and I looked at each other, he didn't know that Sam was doing this. It was written across his face. We rounded the front and walked in, Sam's face held shock on it as I walked through the door with Dean close behind me.

"So... anything we want to tell us, Sam?" I questioned as I walked forward.

"McKenna, hold on, okay? Just let me-- " Sam started out.

"You gonna say, 'Let me explain'?" I questioned cutting him off. "You're gonna explain this?" I clicked my tongue. "How about this? Why don't you start with who she is and what the hell is she doing here?" All three of us look at the women, who I think might be Ruby.

"It's good to see you again, McKenna." She said. I licked my teeth as I stared at her.

"Ruby?" I questioned looking at Sam. Sam's face held the puppy dog look. I couldn't help but chuckle a little. I ran forward grabbing Ruby, pushing her back against the wall. I pulled out her knife.

Heaven's Door *Castiel*Where stories live. Discover now