chapter 16 - broken glass & bitter cold

Start from the beginning

"Well it is in a way, at least we're together, snuggled in a big bed, with a big fire."

"With a storm outside that could kill us dead if the fire goes out, and police ready to drag me off to prison when it's over."

"Whoa, mood killer!"

He chuckled. "I suppose there's nothing we can do about it right now."

"No," she said. "Let's just make the best of it."

"OK," he said and a moment later he had found the buttons to her pyjama shirt.

"Hey!" she exclaimed with a giggle. "I was thinking more of s'mores or singing campfire songs or something."

"This is 'or something'", he said, finally sneaking a hand inside and cupping her warm breast.

"Fuck Shawn, you're hands are freezing!"

"I know, I'm warming them up. Here, I'll show you where you can warm your hands up too."

She laughed and he kissed her.

They fell asleep with their night clothes in various states of undone, jumbled together, warm and secure. About nine am Camila's phone buzzed.

"Shawn!" she said loudly. He opened his eyes.

"I think we have phone service! Quick, ring Maggie!"

He picked up his phone and dialled the number he had stored in his contacts. It was only an hour ahead where Maggie was, and she answered on the second ring.

"Shawn! How are you lad?"

"Hi Maggie, everything is good here, a broken window that's all."

"And a dead body, I hear!"

"Where did you hear that?" Please don't tell me it made the papers!

"Ludlow police left me a message to tell me, since it's my house."

"Well that's why I'm ringing," Shawn said, explaining about the security video in the Barn.

"Yes, they last for 21 days at a time, it will still be there, on my app. I'll send it to you, and to the police."

"Thank you Maggie, hopefully it will spread some light on what happened." Shawn said tiredly.

"How are my girls going?" she asked, after agreeing.

"Your girls?"

"The chickens," Camila said, nudging him.

"Is that a woman I hear there? Are you not alone then Shawn?"

"No, here with me." He smiled at Camila as he said it, and she smiled back, so happy he was able to say it now.

"I'm so glad you weren't stuck there alone. Anyway, I'll get that to the police, and hopefully that will.........."

"Maggie? Maggie?"

He turned to Camila. "Phones are out again."

"Well, hopefully Maggie can get the footage to the police and prove your innocence." Camila said, snuggling in close. They were both well aware that if the services were down here, they may very well be down at the police station as well, and if the cops couldn't get the video, they were in big trouble.

They lay in bed until midday, reading books and reciting paragraphs to each other, talking, telling each other stories, even meditating, and then he tickled her and they ended up in a tickle match that ended up as something else that ended up in telling each other once again how much they loved each other. After lunch, they decided to spend more time in the studio. The studio was, however, the coldest room in the house, with only a small heater there, so in the end they took the guitar and electric piano into the main living room and worked on their music there. They could record later, when it wasn't quite so icy.

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