"Not much. I looked on the internet but didn't find a whole hell of a lot. From what Mr. Wells told me, he figures this man is an older gent looking for a place to retire and he has some money and he wants to live in a lighthouse."

Matty lowered herself down and sat on the bar.

"I have to tell him all the facts when he gets here."

"So 'e cud still back out?" Henry Tucker wondered.

Matty shrugged.

"He could."

Carl Pike stood up.

"Matty, wese all loves da Bay. Dere bes no doubtin' dat. But me and some of da other young fellas can't bes bankin' on maybes. Wese has to work. Ifin wese can't find work 'ere, den wese has to go away."

"I know that Carl. And I wish I could guarantee you that this guy will be the saviour of the Bay, but I can't."

Carl sat down.

"Wese knows dat Matty and wese all tanks youse fer all da work youse has done. But youse has to understand where wese are comin' from too."

"I do Carl and believe me, I will do all I can to get this man to help us. I do have a good feeling about this, but, as we all know, nothing is a certainty."

Henry Tucker stood.

"Maybe wese shud 'ave a big welcome fer dis guy. Maybe put up a banner and 'ave everyone bes on da road when 'e arrives."

"No," Matty yelled.

"No. Apparently this guy is a loner and he does not like to be in the spotlight. Let's just let him come into the Bay and see it as it is."

"Well, ifin 'e bes an older gent," Betty Johnstone suggested, "den maybe wese shud 'ave one of da older womens be 'round 'im."

"What and scare da poor guy away," her husband, Ron laughed.

"Ifin anyone can convince dis guy, it wud be Matty dere. She bes our best chance of gittin' dis guy to stay."

"Thanks, Ron. For the vote of confidence."

Matty took a deep breath and looked around the packed pub.

"All I can say is that I will do my best and even if this one falls through, I will keep trying. Right up until that fateful day when they try to close the Bay, I will keep fighting."

Wilson Pike walked to the bar and stood next to Matty.

"But youse has to live too, Matty."

He looked around the pub.

"Ise don't knows 'ow da rest of youse feels, but Ise tinks Matty has done enuf."

He looked back at Matty and took her hands in his.

"Ifin dis one falls thru, Matty, den Ise tinks youse needs to let its go. Youse has done enuf."

Matty started shaking her head, as the others in the pub agreed with Wilson.

"No. No. A thousand fucking times, NO. I will never stop."

Wilson kissed Matty's cheek.

"Wese not be asking' youse Matty. Wese bes tellin' youse.

Youse done enuf. Its bes over, ifin dis Williams guy backs out. Wese all gotta git on wit our lifes. And so does youse."

Matty couldn't speak, as tears filled her eyes.

Wilson picked up his beer from the bar.

"Ise tinks wese all needs ro raise a glass to Tuckamore Bay's 'eart and soul."

He kissed Matty's cheek again.

"To Matty Dove."

The whole pub raised their glasses and drank.

Matty cried.

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