Chapter 17

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"Invite her over for dinner," Rain says with an airy fairy wave of the hand when I tell her that Gee asked if, then why she's living with me. I'm not sure exactly where my mom's been the past few years and whether it was on this country, planet or around humans in general but as a rule, when you walk out on your kids for years without any real reason other than wanting to be free of them, they usually don't want to come over for dinner. I, Olive, am obviously the exception to this.



"Fine Rain, I'm sure Gee would love your vegan curry goat that's not goat. I just don't think she's there yet. It was lot for us to deal with not having you around and having to deal with dads depression and all the questions from your old friends about where you'd gone and if you were coming back and whether dad had gone mad. Well, it was a lot for Gee, being the oldest she kinda felt like she had to take your place, you know?"

"Hm, you might be right," she contemplates, "Invite her next week then,"

It's like the time I used my school level Spanish to ask for a knife and fork whilst on holiday in Malaga, only for the waiter to return with a spoon and a cup of ice. We were close, just not quite there. I don't have the patience to explain to mom that the chances of Gee coming over are slim to none, not only because I won't be inviting her but because the way Gee feels towards my mom is how Tom felt towards Jerry, except Gee has reason.

I spent the majority of yesterday evening on the phone to Ibrahim . He's of an age where texting, messaging, emailing or any form of written communication (aside from writing letters I guess as they predate everything) is seen as a modern day hinderance, he doesn't understand our generations preference to it, it's no real way to get to know someone. Which would mean that the only real way to get to know someone is hearing their voice, he might be right.

What I like about Ibrahim is what I never thought I'd like about anybody ever, he likes to talk. Because of this our conversations are heavily one sided and he seems more than content with me sitting and listening to him go on and on and yes, I actually do listen. It's important that I get to know him, his likes and dislikes, his pet peeves, what he finds attractive, his turn on's and turn off's. I will graduate from the school of Ibrahim , the more I know the more my bank balance will grow. Poor Ibz, it would be cheaper for him to go and see a therapist but I don't tell him that, like Ellz said they know they they've signed up for. During the conversation I even started to feel bad for him but it was a fleeting feeling that came quick and went even quicker. The person I should feel sorry for is myself and my poor ears for what they are having to endure.

We agreed on another meet with me confirming the when and him confirming the where, clearly haven't learnt my lesson from Mr J and the near derelict hotel. I decided on Wednesday as today I am at work and tomorrow Rain has asked me to attend a Goddess Circle with her on account of my feminine energy, which she feels is depleting at a rapid rate and needs to be reclaimed in order for me to reach my higher purpose. I have been told there will be Spinach and Ricotta Cannelloni and I agreed for this reason and this reason alone.

My phone buzzes and snaps me out of my food day dreaming just before I'm about to dribble.



Subject: RE: READ ME!!

£20? For a dress babe, I mean you can get a dress for £20 if you like but I gather you're doing this for more than a dress you can buy quite easily with your own money. So why did he give you that little? Well you either looked cheap or he has no idea how much things cost, the first problems solvable but the second one will take some work hun, if you're up to it

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