Chapter 21

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Most people who work on the weekend can't relate to that Sunday night feeling (which is often but not limited to dread) that people who don't work on the weekends feel. They don't get that sinking feeling in their stomach about the email they didn't respond to on Friday that is waiting impatiently in their inbox. They don't breathe in deep and breathe out laboured with eyes rolling bracing themselves for having to spend yet another week next to their colleague who washes twice a year. They don't get annoyed and angry at themselves because instead of looking for a job over the weekend they binged on a 5/10 rated Netflix series and a takeaway with questionable meat. They don't get excited at the fact they will get to see the cute new guy who started last week who they have been told is single, child free and has his own place, shame about the hair thou. People who work on weekends, people who work on Sundays don't get these feelings because they were, you guessed it, at work. No dread, no excitement, no nausea, no feeling like they've wasted their weekend, just clocking in and clocking out like any other day. And being one of the weekend workers I have never had any strong feeling towards a Monday, until now.

For the past several Mondays I have met up with EchoDot aka William, never to be shortened to Will and definitely not to be pet named Willy, not even as a joke, 'I'm a grown man not a pet killer whale'. After our initial coffee meet (which I was strongly advised against going on by Ellz being as coffee only costs a few pounds and in her eyes an indicator of a man not willing to spend) William asked if he could see me once a week. Now usually I'm against schedules I usually find them restricting and demanding but as Yaz very kindly pointed out while we were splitting custard creams and dipping them in milky tea, I have no life. So I agreed to the scheduled Monday meets and so far our meets have included the theatre, an art gallery showcasing up and coming artist and their blobs of paint and goo that are repeatedly described as captivating, a steak house where the meat has been left to decompose for months on end to increase flavour (they call it ageing) and tonight we are going to a charity fund raiser or an auction maybe both and I find it odd that they would hold such a thing on a Monday.

William has as all the C's He's charming, chivalrous, considerate, cheeky and most importantly not cheap. After inviting me to this charity fundraiser Williams made sure I had the money I needed to look my absolute best. Dress, shoes, second pair of shoes, bag, nails, lashes and anything else I needed being the pretty princess that I am, his words not mine.

And as for Ibrahim? He's still lingering around, he texts every now and then (suddenly he's a texter) saying that he wants to see me then cancels before anything has even been arranged, probably suffering from PTSD. No further contributions have been made to my rent.


Yaz, Jasmine, Kara, Liv

Jasmine: Don't you find it a bit sad Liv, being arm candy to some weird old man

Liv: Being wined, dined and taken to places I haven't been before? Yeah poor me

And he's not THAT old

Jasmine: He's older than you!

Liv: Half the population are older than me Jasmine, what's your point?

Jasmine: All this for a dress and a bag....really

Yaz: Don't forget the new shoes

Liv: OMG I love them

Yaz: The ones he chose? Old boy got taste yeahhhhh

Liv: Urgh no the ones he chose look older than he is I just pretended to like them cause, you know

Jasmine: You've gotta think though Liv why would a man even want to do all that? Buy you things and take you out it's like he's tryna control you. Could never be me, I'd rather have my own

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