Chapter 13

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Trigger Warning: This chapter does involve a short and a little awkward intimate scene, if this is too much for you please feel free to skip it 

There's a bag in a bag in a box placed on the bed like it came with the room, he picked it up from one of the stores below, he thought I'd like it. There's a bottle of wine on the side called Tignanello something something on the label, I don't beat my tongue up trying to pronounce it. Blood red with a faded wooden scent. This particular brand is from Tuscany, he thought I'd like it. A thoughtful man, a considerate man, a wrong man. I endure a long, fact filled, self-promoting and sleep inducing guide as to how exactly this wine is made, how it's aged, why it's one of his favourites. He has been to Tuscany, he's been "thousands of times" even hired a motorbike and drove it down the open road. He said this as if roads in general were usually closed or not intended to be drove on. He's visited the vineyards that produce and distribute this fantastic and possibly overrated wine I've never heard of, not that I should have, I'm no wine connoisseur. When it comes to wine I drink a lot and know a little and I'm quite happy with that arrangement. Even so it wouldn't hurt to try this wine that I now know so much about I could write a blog. I bring the glass to my mouth and take a sip and it tastes, average. Not too sharp or sweet, a little burnt – that must be the barrels he was telling me about and I can't feel a headache coming from the north or south so that's a plus and I'm liking it more by the second. I wonder if they sell it in Aldi.

"How's the wine?" he asks.

"Good. I've never tasted anything like it before," I'm not lying. He looks, accomplished.

We talk about current affairs. Well he talks, I sit, I nod, I look pretty, I feign interest, I say, "Yes I saw that on the news," and "Oh, that's an interesting approach don't you think?" and I wonder how much I'll get when I sell the bag in a bag in the box on the bed. The bottle of wine is nearly finished but I'm still on my first glass, this is good, it really is his favourite wine and I, am getting better at this. Thanks Ellz.

The room we are in is unlike the last room we were in. It has a sofa, deep and decorated with multi shaped multi coloured cushions, pleasing to the eye but lacking in the comfort department. There are oddly shaped glass bottles of water with a foreign name and patterned label, the opposite of what you'd find in a corner shop, if you're one of those people that drink bottled water and can taste the difference. I opened a bottle up when I entered the room and the water tasted like water, refreshing but painfully plain and my disappointment was hard to hold down, I don't even know what it was that I expected. The bottles are uniformed and lined up like soldiers next to the obsessive compulsively arranged coffee sachets and fragrant tea packets. Earl grey, green tea, jasmine tea, English tea, mint tea – which one of these packets will produce a normal tea that you can put milk in is beyond me.

The TV is on in the background, a quiz show, one of the million quiz shows they invent with wild and wonderful rules that only make sense to dedicated watchers. The contestant? A middle aged white man with a faded beard, faded jeans and a faded part ironed shirt. He has the look of someone who would ace a quiz show, the type of person you'd point at amongst all contestants and think yeah, he's going to win, he looks like he knows things but evidently he doesn't. He's loosing and my bra strap is rolling down my arm.

Tim is planting delicate sloppy kisses along my shoulder and up my neck until his breath is hot and heavy in my ear. It feel surprisingly good and I forget that the TV is on. His hand grazes up my legs and across my partially shaved thigh – I knew I should have dragged the razor just a little higher. I close my eyes and lean into him. Maybe this surprisingly good feeling will turn into a surprisingly better feeling, or maybe the TV will make a reappearance. I twist my head and place one hand on his shoulder pushing it back and kicking my leg over so I am sitting on top of him, feeling him rock hard between my thighs. My breast are pressed against his chest as he continues to salivate on my neck.

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