Chapter 6

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Yaz, Jasmine, Kara, Liv

Jasmine: So he doesn't have legs, big deal

Liv: One leg Jasmine, he has one leg

Jasmine: Lots of people do

Liv: They definitely don't! Most people have two

And it's more like one and a half legs, the top parts still there

Yaz: What happened?

Liv: Motorcycle accident

Yaz: Does he wear one of those fake legs?

Liv: He said he has one and usually wears it but he'd not long come out the shower and being as the restaurant was just beneath the hotel he didn't bother. Says people should accept him for who he is, whatever that means

Yaz: You know what I respect that

Jasmine: Me too, he doesn't care what people think

Liv: Yeah I know that but he could care a little bit

Urgh I'm a shallow bitch

Yaz: Where exactly he from anyway?

Liv: Somewhere down south, London I think

Yaz: So what happens now then?

Liv: I dunno guess he just has to live with it, I don't think leg transplants are a thing

Yaz: LMAO not with the leg like what happens with him?

Liv: Oooo he just said he would text me next time he's in my city

Jasmine: Wolverhampton?

Liv: No Birmingham

Jasmine: So not your city then?

Liv: He said it's the same thing

Jasmine: Nope. Two separate cities, typical Londoner

Yaz: If you can call Wolves a city

Jasmine: It is!!

Are leg transplants a thing?

It has been two weeks since my red wine drinking, hi5 giving date-in-a-dark-place occurred and I haven't heard anything from Tim. My usual response to this behaviour would be to send a message, have it read and ignored, send another to solidify my rejection, have that read and ignored then moan about how trash men are to my girls. But this is different and so I must be different. It's business, kind of. He said he would be back next month which is only a few weeks away and he would contact me. He would contact me. Still the urge to message him just to check in is overwhelming, it must be ingrained inside of me, I'm sure one message won't hurt. So I take out my phone and...

"No phones on shift!" urgh Brenda. I slide my phone that should definitely be in a locker, into my pocket and smile apologetically at Brenda, not because I give a crap about having my phone out but because she's just saved me from going into Liv-Mode. My eyes wonder to the clock as they usually do. Approximately three minutes have passed since I last looked at it an hour ago, it's so disappointing when the actual time doesn't comply with my time. I look back towards the checkout and I almost choke on my own spit. She empties the contents of her basket onto the conveyer belt and spreads them over before tilting her head and looking at me,

"Still here?"

"Where else would I be?" My sister. It's been a few months since I last saw her but she's back I can only assume to terrorise me, that appears to be her sole purpose in life. Gee is a lawyer. Not only if she a lawyer but she loves her job which I do not understand because I have two jobs and I hate them both, equally, I'm fair like that. After spending four years at some random university down south she graduated then spent another two or three years doing a further qualification as apparently school, college and a degree in law alone isn't enough to actually become a lawyer. So after decades of studying she now spends 3 days a week working for a non-profit (of course) and the other 2 days providing free legal advice, by choice. I always assumed people who worked voluntarily were bored like stay at home moms with teenage children or someone who had just sold the business they built 'from the ground up' and was no longer sure what to do with their time, but no. My sister Gee is at the start of her career and this is the choice she makes. She gave this whole speech about becoming a lawyer so she could represent the people most in need of the services but least likely to be able to afford it. It was all a little martyr like, suffering financially for her socialist beliefs, and I wondered if she ever got bored of trying to be the saviour of mankind which was a ridiculous thought because no – she never did.

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