Chapter 2

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Yaz, Jasmine, Kara, Liv

Jasmine: Liv I'm comin over in a bit you up?

Yaz: Why are you putting this in the group??Just message her direct!!

She was working last night I doubt she'll be up for now

Jasmine: She was last seen at 8.45am *rolls eyes*

Can I borrow your straighteners Yaz I left mine at Liv's and it's looking like she isn't getting up anytime soon

Yaz: Nope I'm au natural, join the movement and you won't need to worry about having straighteners ever again J

Jasmine: Urgh. Bye!

Yaz: Just go round and bang her door until she answers. You're acting like you haven't known her 15 years

Jasmine: 20 years! And I cba to get the bus down and she doesn't answer

Yaz: Can't Michael drop you?

Jasmine is typing....


Jasmine: He moved back to his moms last week

Yaz: What??

Liv: I'm up

I have worked two hours overtime at the shop every day this week and topped it off with a nightshift - I'm not sure if I'm alive. It's a feeling I am used to, having relived this same week for almost a year now and the worst part is that the improvement on my finances has been centimetres from minimal. My wages from the shop are way less than they should be thanks to a housing benefit overpayment that I didn't ask for. They got tired of waiting for me to pay and now take it directly from my wages, as does the water company. So what I earn now isn't enough to cover the bills I'm trying to keep up with all while trying to make a dent in what I owe. Enter The Norton, which I took on to pay back a pay day loan. Figured that would help which It did, until I had to take out another to pay a fine before it went to court – the cycles goes on. I'm starting to think the only way I am ever going to move forward is to live a life of complete deprivation – like a monk. Fasting for three days a week then when I do eat ensure its no more than a meal a day. No meat, eggs, fish, alcohol and no bread, especially not the fancy three cheese bread that's double the cost of normal bread but lasts half the time. Yes, I should aim to live a life of complete nothingness and I probably shouldn't bother breathing too much either. That way my body will be prepared when they eventually start charging us for air as I won't be able to afford that either.

I've even considered selling my TV on Facebook market place 'want it gone today – need the space.' Or trying to flog my worn sofa as a bargain "Barely used- paid £300 only want £299" It would mean that I'd have to sit on the hard, uncomfortable floor but that's okay, it would match my hard, uncomfortable life.

"You look like shit!" is what I am greeted with when I open my front door.

"Hello to you too," I answer. I am so not in the mood for her voice right now.

"I got you Maccies!"

"Lifesaver," I reply grabbing the brown paper bag out of her hands. I didn't realise how hungry I was until I saw it. She walks past me, noticeably annoyed by my slow pace, goes into my bedroom and starts moving things around.

"Jesus Liv when's the last time you cleaned up in here?" I look up at her and mumble. I can feel the lettuce hanging out from the corner of my mouth and the warm mayonnaise on my chin. She looks back at me, disgusted.

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