Chapter 4

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Yaz, Jasmine, Kara, Liv

Yaz: How's your head Liv?

Liv: Bangin...thanks again for yesterday Yaz

Yaz: No worries Liv just sort me out when you get paid....with interest!!!

Liv: Lol love ya xxx

Jasmine has joined the chat

Liv: Sorry about the other day Jas


Yaz: You reckon she's gonna leave again?

Jasmine: No I'm at work just got on break

And I'm sorry too. Hope all is well? xx

It's good to be speaking with Jasmine again. As my longest friend it always feels weird when we fall out, which happens more often than it should, but less often than it used to. I have just got off the phone with her and provided her with a shamefully detailed but entertaining breakdown of my time at the Mowdon Inn including my extended break in the toilets. I'm glad she saw the funny side because it's the next day and I'm still wishing the ground would swallow me up whole then plunge me deep into Earths core. Walking to work isn't much fun either but I can't borrow anymore money otherwise I'll have nothing left when I finally do get paid plus, aside from diving into unknown situations head first, I don't do any exercise whatsoever so the walk will do me good.

One hour and fourteen minutes later, I have arrived at work and he is back. The old man with no teeth is back and fate would have it that he arrives the same time I do, so I have the displeasure of walking in with him. He tells me how glad he is that's it's not raining, a sentiment I share, and that he has spent the morning at the vets with his dog, something I care little about. Halfway into the first aisle he stops, distracted by canned meat of some kind and I take my opportunity to pick up the pace and head to back off the shop to clock in.

"Olive ," Brenda sings. I pretend not to hear and continue walking but this causes her to call me again louder and in a more abrupt tune. I take a deep breath in,

"Yess," I answer and it wasn't my intention to emphasise the S but it happened.

"We're really short staffed today Olive so I've made a few changes," surprise, surprise "and you're on the tills now until your break, shop floor after it then possibly back on the tills a bit later dependent on how busy we get alright? " I agree and wonder why I walked one hour and fourteen minutes to come here when everyone else is at home. I look around and don't see Reena which is strange as she normally tells me if she's going to be off.

The day goes as it normally does except this time instead of dreaming of the half a burger I left because I wouldn't manage it, I have continual flash backs of my meet with Mr J, so many questions. What time did he leave? Did he bother to check I was okay? Yaz said he probably thought I'd done a runner, prized open the bathroom door like a bride trying to escape her wedding. Kara said it was for the best as there are most honest ways of making money which makes no sense as Mr J and I had been honest about what this was from the start. I go onto the SD app on my lunch break and as expected his picture is no longer available, just a sad grey silhouette with no user name. Blocked. Lesson number one learnt, one double gin is okay. Five is not.

"Liv," Reena skips over.

"Hey, didn't think you were in today?"

"I was gonna call in sick but I thought better not, Rob was well pissed at me last time,"

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