Chapter 23

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"You've got the job!"


"You did it! You're being promoted to supervisor,"

I look at Rob carefully inspecting his movements for signs of intoxication and/or insanity because never have I ever applied for a supervisor role, or did I? There's been a lot going on over the past few days maybe this application I filled in and sent off has gotten lost in the mass of thoughts whirling around in my head.

"It's not official yet," he says before slurping his tea loud and prolonged, "You will, of course, have to officially apply for it but..."

"Right! So I haven't actually applied?"

"No Olive you haven't applied," he's looking at me with narrowed are-you-feeling-okay eyes because out of the two of us, it's me that's lost the plot. "I'd like to think that you'd remember applying," he laughs giving me full view of his tonsils like this is some joke we are both apart of, "It's just with Brenda leaving her position will need to be filled so I'm just letting you know that there's no need to be nervous,"

"There isn't?"

"Not at all Olive. When you do apply, rest assured the jobs yours,"

"The jobs mine?"

"Yes!" his impatience rears its sharp pointy head, "Is there something you're not understanding?"

Ermm try everything about this conversation. For starters I didn't know a supervisor position was becoming available although I probably should have considering I'd just had a forced conversation with Brenda about her thousand yarns and plastic zippers venture in a village far far away but I just didn't connect the dots. Second, the idea that I would have any interest in even applying is equally laughable and sad and thirdly no. Just no.

"Ah thanks Rob," I try my best to sound appreciative, "But I really wasn't considering applying for the position so if you don't mind..."

"Go on Liv, you'd be really good at it. I can't see anyone else who works here being more suited to the role than you are, people look up to you,"

"I'm not sure about that Rob,"

"Sure they do, you're chatty with the customers, flexible with any changes, your punctuality is one of the highest and you've taken Lydia under your wing, shown her the ropes....'"

"Who is Lydia?"

"You know Lydia, the new girl,"

"Ooooo that's her name,"

"And you're funny as well. Come on, have a think about it alright?"

"Okay," I reply though my mind is pretty much made up.

"And the application has to go straight to head office so if you do need any help filling it in let me know, I've already put you forward as a recommendation so it's just a formality, you know how these things are. If it's anything like when I applied it's more about what you say than what you can actually do,"

I smile and leave the office unsure if what he just said was a compliment or something else.

My work day is bearable, broken up by messages and voice notes to and from the lovely William who ignored my heavy hinting and in the end, outright asking and did not put an offer down on the "Dinner for two at The Shard" so now feels like he has to make it up to me. I also queried how a dinner for two could be confiscated from someone and he thinks he may have been wrong about the whole criminal confiscation thing, thinks some of the items could have been donated "Why does it matter anyway Liv?" His reasons for not bidding on the dinner for two were tiresome and all along the lines of him not being able to just "nip down to London" for the night. I wanted to ask why he assumed it was him that I wanted to go with? Me and Yaz had spent many an afternoon on her chaise lounge, sunglasses on and legs gliding against the terrible and satisfying crushed velvet, discussing what it would be like to eat out at a high end London restaurant. We discussed which celebrities we might bump into, what we'd say, if we'd say anything at all. Would we ask for a selfie or would that be tacky? Yaz said it would be opportunistic. What would happen if we saw a famous person and didn't realise they were famous, it didn't take long for us to realise that if that happened we would never know so that part of the discussion was brief. I didn't share any of this with William though, better for his ego if he ran with the assumption that it was him that I wanted to go with. I have shared my success stories with Elle who has not replied to my last three emails, guess my free trial has ran out. I wonder if creating a new email address will help, like how you do with subscription services.

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