Chapter 25

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To Will or not to Will, that is the question. Today is Monday and like the previous Mondays I have something planned with William only this time the excitement, like an over watered plant, has wilted and died. Can it be revived? Possibly. Do I want to revive it? Not really, and it's not just the fact that I have a broken forehead and that my interview is tomorrow, it just feels that there is too much going on for me to be flitting around drinking wine I hate and being mistaken for an escort, then being annoyed at the fact they probably get more cash than I do which got me to thinking about my turnover, this is a business after all (or so Yaz says). I feel like an influencer who instead of being paid by bank transfer I am being paid in exposure and free merchandise that isn't really making any major difference to my life. To put it in simple terms Will is no longer beneficial, his way of working and my way of working are not aligned, he's no longer profitable, a bit like the business Gee works for. But unlike Gee, this isn't what I signed up for so for like any accidental non-profit business I need to either make a change or throw the whole thing in the bin and I am strongly leaning towards the latter.

Then there's Rain. True to her name she has been pitter pattering around my flat and mumbling to herself for the past few days which I think signals her (very frequent) desire to escape and relocate elsewhere, I guess she hasn't left just yet as she can't decide where to go and which country will have her but courtesy of her attack on the bailiffs that decision might just be made for her. After a brief visit by a big eyed policeman and a squinty eyed policewoman (which thankfully didn't result in another attack) she has received a summons to attend court next week, so her next destination may well just be a cold concrete by concrete prison cell with a cell mate called Phyllis who (although fiercely protesting self defence) is serving time for attacking her neighbour of sixteen years with a clay plant pot following an argument over who should replace the missing fence panel that got carried away by the wind a few days before. Phyllis will absolutely have to have the bottom bunk due to her back problems and with her history of violence and Rains constant need to rearrange the furniture and purify the air of evil spirits (which would be a hefty job in a prison) I am certain that Rain would leave prison physically and mentally, dented and bruised.


Yaz, Kara, You

Jasmine has left the chat

Yaz: Talk about spirit the confusion Liv

Liv: I know , I just told him something came up

Yaz: What did he say?

Liv: Not much tbh

Kara: Yeah he's probably phoned Tuesdays sugar baby to take your place

Liv: Bore off Kara you're worse than Jasmine

Yaz: Speaking of Jasmine, have you spoke to her yet?

Liv: After she smashed my head in? hell no, I have nothing to say

Kara: Come on Liv you've gotta sort it out, you two have been friends for years

Liv: Yes and the friendship has now gone sour, like milk

Yaz: Milk?

Liv: Yes! When milk goes off it goes sour

Kara: So in this scenario Jasmine is the milk?

Liv: No! Our friendship is the milk Kara and it has gone way past its expiration date. It's done!

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