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~Skip to Christmas Day~
I woke up on Christmas morning and went downstairs. It was just me my grandpa his girlfriend her 3 kids Jr. Eren and Zack. I went downstairs to see everyone eating breakfast. I grabbed a pancake and put peanut butter and syrup on it.

"Mommy whys Aubs using peanut butter?" Zack asked Eren. I laughed with a mouth full of food.

"Because she likes it." She said laughing. We finished eating and went into the living room. Holy presents.

"Santa came Aubs! Santa came!" Zack said so excited. I obviously don't believe in Santa because I'm 17 but the 2 year old does. I had to pretend I believe to.

"I see baby. Did he leave you lots of presents?" I asked. Zack went over to the tree and looked around.

"The biggest present is for papa" Je said sounding a little sad. I laughed a little.

"Well papa is older" I said. Everyone started opening presents. My grandpas girlfriends girls got an iPhone 5. And some clothes. I got an iPhone 6+ and car keys? Zack got a dirt bike and cars and a car track.

"Aubrey will you go out to my car and grab my purse?" Michelle my grandpas girlfriend asked. I nodded. I walked out and seen a brand new black Range Rover. I seen everyone was outside. I got in it and out the keys in the ignition. It started nice. I looked around and in the back was a huge teddy bear with flowers and a plane ticket. I got out and went into the back to get it. I got the plane ticket. It was first class to LA tomorrow. I'm guessing Austin got me this because he's in La. He got his tonsils taken out.

"Austin got you that" Arianna said. I nodded.

"Thanks for the car" I told my grandpa hugging him.

"Your welcome" He said hugging back. I let go and went inside. I had to go get dressed and head over to Atheas to get my presents and give her theirs. I walked upstairs and put on a read sweater that that said "this is my ugly Christmas sweater" and some black skinny jeans I put on different colored scarf. I put some socks on and put my red uggs on. I put my normal makeup on. I just brushed my hair. I grabbed my new car keys and my phone and walked downstairs.

"Alight guys I'll be back later" I said getting downstairs.

"I go" Zack said running to the door.

"No buddy. You have to stay with mommy." I told him. He started crying. I looked at Eren she just shrugged her shoulders.

"Ok you can go." I said picking him up. I put him on the couch and put his shoes on. He can go in his Christmas jammies because he's 2. I put his jacket on him. We told everyone bye and went out to my car. I held his hand to my hummer to get his car seat then we walked to the Range Rover. I put his carseat in then I put him in. I got in and started the car. I put my seat belt on then pulled out. We were listening to Blank space by Taylor Swift. The whole ride to Atheas house we jammed to music. When we got to Atheas I parked and got Zack out. We walked to Atheas condo.

"Hey" She said opening the door. Zack didn't even give her time to open it all the way before he ran in.

"Awstin Awstin. Where you at buddy?" Zack called through the house.

"Honey Austin is in LA. He had surgery." Mama told him. Zack pouted.

"But I want my Awstin" Zack pouted.

"Zack. Enough. We can FaceTime him later tonight." I told him sternly. Mama laughed.

"Look at you! Going mommy mode" Mama said teasing me. I haut laughed. I was wondering where Athea went until her and Alex came in holding hands.

"Aww the love birds have arrived" I said teasing them. Mama laughed. "Did you spend the night here?" I asked Alex. He nodded sitting down.

"I'd much rather them spend the night together than you and Austin. Least I know my daughter won't be having kids Antrim soon" Mama said laughing. I blushed.

"Mamaaa stoppp" I said hiding my face.

"Your not very good at hiding your face" Athea said. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Let's open presents" Mama said clapping. Zack clapped with her. We all got our presents and opened them. Mama got me some shoes and a Louis Vuitton suitcase set thingy.

"That's for all your traveling your gonna do in 2015" Mama said. I was SOOO happy! Athea and Austin has one and I finally got one. Well Atheas isn't like this. After we all opened presents we ate. We talked and played games until I had to get Zack back.

"Thanks for everything mama" I said hugging her. She hugged back.

"Welcome honey. Well I'll see you tomorrow. Don't forget you have to wake up at 3:30 am" She said. I nodded. I hugged Alex and Athea and told them I'd see them tomorrow. I picked Zack up off Austin's bed. Zack fell asleep when we were watching Frozen and Mama told me to put him in Austins bed.

"Bye! Merry Christmas" I told them walking out. Not to loud though because Zacks head was on my shoulder. We left and I quietly put Zack in his car seat and strapped him in. I got in the drivers seat and started the car. I put my seat belt on and pulled out. When I got home I put Zack in my bed and put my pajamas on. I got in bed next to Zack and fell asleep.

*sorry for the wait and the boring chapter. Hope yall had wonderful holidays!!*

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