Ride to the airport

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I woke up to my phone ringing. I answered it.


"Bitch get the fuck up. Me you mom and Austin are going to New York tonight. You have to pack for 3 days. Oh and wear something comfy mom said. We will pick you up at noon." Athea aka my bestfriend said.

"What the fuck why couldn't yall tell me last night? But whatever I'm getting up and tell your fine ass brother to get me starbucks" I told her laughing.

"I'm gonna tell him. Exactly like that, byeeeee hoe" she said.

"Fuck off. And byeeee slut" I said. She hung up. I got up and started packing.

~ 2 hours later~

I was finally done packing. I got in the shower and when I was done I put on some PINK! Sweat pants with a white tank top and a PINK! jacket.

"Bitch getcho ass in the car." Athea said barging in my house. I put my eyeliner and mascara on grabbed my suitcases and my phone.

"Let's go" I said. We walked out to the car. Austin grabbed my suitcases and put them in the trunk. We all got in the car.

"Well hello there Aubrey!" Mama said.

"Hey mama" I said.

"How have you been?" She asked. We all laughed.

"Mom you seen her yesterday" Athea said. Adrian has the best mom ever. And the hottest brother.

"Yeah yeah. We will be at the airport in an hour" Mama said.

"Mama you know your the best second mom ever right? Well ummmmmm do you think you can stop at Starbucks?!" I said. Austin laughed.

"Actually thats where we are headed we have to pick up the boys. But nice try hon." She said laughing. I laughed. I took out my phone and went on Twitter. I seen Austin tweeted.

"I have the most beautiful girl with me 😘" Awww how cute. Mama is the most beautiful girl.

My mentions were goin crazy!

"@AubreyLovesYou Did you see Austins tweet about you?!"

"@AubreyLovesYou You and @AustinMahone are soooo cute!"

Things like that I seen. I looked at Austins tweet.

"Why aren't you mine? You take my breath away 💕😘"

He's talking about Camila. "@AubreyLovesYou : Guys he's probably talking about Camila. Love yall sooooooo much 💕😘❤️" I locked my phone and started talking to Athea. We talked about her career. We talked about my modeling contract.

"Speaking of that Aubrey you modeling agency called me and said that she wanted to see you out in Paris in 2 weeks. Your meeting someone out there. Just thought I'd let you know" Mama told me. Your probably wondering why she called her? Well she is the one that takes care of booking my flights and making sure I get there safe and making sure I stay fit and healthy. Like I said before she's the best second mom ever!! My phone went off saying that I had a text.

" Sleezy Constancio💁💕

Since you didn't see my reply to your tweet. I'm gonna text you 😂 Anyway his tweet was about you 👏 Him and Camila are only for publicity. Austin has liked you the day you started hanging out with my girlfriend aka Athea 😂 DONT judge me anyway I'll see Ya in a few💕"

I replied to him.

"Thanks for the info Sleezy 💕 your my day 2 hoe 😂"

"Day 2?! 😂 TF I look like? 😂 who's your day 1?"

"Athea 💁"

"Robert and Zach want to group text"

"Ok" I added the boys in our texts

"Roberto 🍱 : Ayeeee"

"Bruce Wayne 💰 : Why the hell do you have Robert saved as Roberto with a fuckin chipotle thing 😂"

" Maybe because he's my chipotle buddy 😂"

"Roberto 🍱 : You can't diss on my name nigga 😂👏"

"Sleezy Constacio 💁💕 : I don't think anyone was hatin but I'm her day 2 hoe 😂"

The texts continued until we got to starbucks. I ran up to Zach and jumped on him.

"I missed you bro. I still got the chain you gave me" I said getting off him.

" I missed you to Aubs and I'd hope you still have it" he said laughing.

" Can you give me a piggy back ride?!" I asked.

"I was waiting for you to ask. Hop on." I hoped on Zachs back and we walked to where everyone was. I ordered my drink. So did everyone else. We put the boys luggage in the trunk then drove to the airport.

"So Athea did you hear about your brother and your bestfriend?" Robert said laughing.

"No! Tell me tell me tell me!" She said hitting me.

"Athea Marie Mahone there is no hitting in this car got it?" Mama asked in a scary tone.

"Yes mom. No tell me." She said.

" Uh there's nothing going on between us" I said.

"That's not what Austin said" Zach said laughing.

"Austin what did you tell them?" I asked him. He laughed.

"I didn't tell them anything. I have a girlfriend and everyone in this car should know that." He said. My heart broke. I just shook it off.

"Yeah guys see. He has a girlfriend. Everyone should know that." I said. I was trying my best to sound happy.

"We're here guys." Mama said.

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