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I peed on the sticks and waited. To pass time I Facetimed Ashely. She answered after a minute.

Me : Hey

Her : Heyy

Me : What are you doing

Her : Laying here waiting for Matt to get done showering

Me : Ohhh im waiting for my tests to come back

Her : what tests?

Me : pregnancy tests...

Her : why woul- wait have you and austin?

Me : yeahhhh

Her : what if you are?

Me : I'm gonna have to tell Austin and see what he wants to do

Her : are you gonna keep it if you are?

Me : hell yes

Her : figured lol well Matt is out so I'm gonna go. Good luck see Ya in a few

Me : thanks byee

After we hung up I went and looked at the tests.

Test 1. +

Test 2. +

Test 3. -

Test 4. +

'Holy shit' I thought to myself. I was panicking.

"Athea" I called for her. I needed my Bestfriend. She walked in with a worried look on her face. She looked at the tests then looked at me.

"How are you going to tell Austin?" She asked. I didn't respond. I need to tell him though. I jut don't know how.

"Maybe I will drop hints. I'll figure it out" I told her. I needed to save them. I carried them into bed kitchen and got a bag and put them in there.

"I'm gonna go back to Austins apartment and put them away then I'm going to the mall with Ashely" I told Athea. She nodded. I walked back to Austins apartment and put them in a drawer. Austin wasn't there so he had to of went with the boys. I looks for they keys to the car. When I found them I went down and got in the car. I looked at the time and it was almost 12. I drove to the mall. When I got thete I called Ashely. I met her by Hollister.

"Ayee" I said walking up to her. She turned around as hugged me.

"Heyy bitch" she said. We both laughed. We walked around and talked.

"I need to go into a baby store" i Said.

"Why?" She asked raising her eyebrow.

"Because I need to get a blue pacifier and a pink one to tell Austin im pregnant" I told her avoiding eye contact.

"Your pregnant?!" She asked a little to loud. I put my hand over her mouth.

"Shh. Yes I am. I found out today" I told her. I removed my hand and started walking towards Carters (it's a baby store lol) i got the pacifiers. I payed and we walked around for a few more hours. I didn't get to much stuff. Ok maybe I did but what can I say I love shopping.

"I'll text you later and let you know how it goes" I said to Ashely.

"Alright bye good luck" She said hugging me. I got in the car and went back to Austins apartment. I pulled up and seen Austins car? What? How tf. I got out and went up to his apartment. He was sitting on the couch watching tv eating a bowl of cereal. I mentally laughed at him. I went into our bedroom and for the tests. I and I took the pacifiers out of the package. I walked into the living room and through the pacifiers to Austin. He didn't catch them cause he didn't know.

"What are these for?" He asked looking at them. I say next to him and put the bag of tests in his lap. He looked at them for a minute then he looked at me then looked at them then looked at me.

"I made a baby?" He said in complete shock. I nodded he just stared at the tests. I was getting worried.

"Say something" I said. He looked at me and opened his mouth opened like he was gonna say something but nothing came out.

Austins P.O.V

I was shocked and angry. Not with her but with myself. How could I do this to her? She's only 17. I looked at her and she was already looking at me. You could tell she was worried.

"I'm sorry" was all I could say. She shook her head.

"Babe it takes 2 to make a baby. I should be saying sorry. I ruined your career" she said.

"No Aubrey I ruined your career. Your a model. Your supposed to be skinny and your body's supposed to be perfect" She shrugged her shoulders.

"Your worth it. The little baby I'm gonna pop out is worth it" She said. This is why I love her. No matter what the situation is she can make something positive out of it. I stood up and pulled her up and hugged her.

"Your gonna be the best mother ever" I whispered in her ear. She shook her head while smiling.

"Your mom is the best mother out there." I smiled at her.

~ 3 months later ~

Aubreys P.O.V

After I told Austin we were having a baby he's been really protective of me. We told his mom a month after we found out. She took it well. She was a little shocked but she was happy. Fans know.. I was getting hate but a lot of people are happy for us. I'm 3 months pregnant and I'm past the morning sickness. THANK GOD!!

"Babe you do realize your gonna be like 5 or 6 months pregnant on your 18th birthday?" Austin asked. I nodded.

"Yeah but I have you the crew your mom aunt Lisa Logan Riley robing grandad your sister Matt ashley and maybe Nash and Cam." I said naming people off that are coming to my birthday party. His eyes got wide.

"That many people?" He asked. I nodded looking down at my phone.

"Oh and maybe some of the Kardashians and the Jenner girls" I said. He just nodded walking to the kitchen. I stayed sitting on the couch. I was waiting for Athea to come over. The boys were out getting something they wouldn't tell me. Austin stayed back because his mom is coming over and they haven't seen each other in a few weeks.

"Hey when is the baby shower? Well when do we want it to be" Austin shouted from the kitchen.

"The 8th month. Your gonna have a new dad party or whatever" I shouted back. After we find out what we have next month we are setting up the nursery. Within the time we found out we were having a baby to now we moved in together and the boys live with us. We live in the Bay Area. Still in Florida. The boys are living with us because I didn't want foolish 4 to fall apart. I was so tired I needed a nap. When I wake up they should be here.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2015 ⏰

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