Paris pt 2

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Aubrey's P.O.V
"Austin I really like you I really do. But I'm extremely busy with my career and your busy with yours. I'm sorry I need to focus on my career lets just be friends for now." I said feeling bad already. I know your probably thinking who would turn down THE Austin Mahone well I had to. My career is more important.
"Aubrey please i promise I'll do anything to make our careers go far" Austin said taking my hand. I thought for a minutes.
"Yes Austin. BUT the minute our careers start going down hill we will take a break. AND let's keep us a secret for now. Not even Mama can know. Only Athea cause she's my best friend." I said sternly. He nodded. He picked me up and kissed me on my lips while spinning me around. I started giggling.
"Austinnn your making me dizzy" I said. He chuckled and put me down.
"Let's go see what they are up to." He said. We walked out of the room and walked into Mamas. She was reading a book while Athea was on her phone.
"What's upp girl?" I asked Athea.
"Nothin. Just wonderin why you hugged my brother first and didn't even hug me or my mom." She said a little upset. I looked at Austin.
"Uh Austin? Aubrey? Is there something going on between you two?" Mama asked. I just let Austin talk.
"No mother for the last time" He said acting annoyed. I looked back at Athea.
"" Athea said pointing to the hallway. We walked out and she immediately started questioning me.
"What's going on between you and my brother? Why are you guys all over each other? Why aren't we as close? Are you and austin dating? Hello? Tell m-" I cut her off before she could continue.
"Athea. Calm down. Me and Austin JUST started dating. And I was unsure of it because of our careers. And us? Bestfriends? We will always be bestfriends but I have a career that gets in the way. I mean we've never tried to fly you out with me. Maybe we can try next time." I said-- with little pauses.
"I'm sorry.. AND CONGRATS!!! About time Aubstin is real!! Hell yeah!! I gotta tell Alex!" She said. I snatched her phone put of her hand.
"NO! Athea you can't. Me and Austin don't want anyone to know. Only you. Because well Ya know your my best friend and his sister." I said with handmotions.
"Ight ight I see" She said in a ghetto voice. I laughed so hard.
"No no don't do that again" I said. I opened the door and seen Austin sitting there with his head in his hands. I walked over to him and sat behind him. I wrapped my arms around his stomach area and my legs around his waits. I laid my head on his back. We just sat there. After about 5 minutes I got up and walked to the front of him. I took his hands from his face.
"Austin what's wrong?" I asked him. He just looked at me. He got up and walked out of the hotel room. I walked out after him.
"Austin Crater Mahone. Stop." I said sternly. He stopped and looked at me.
"What do you want?" He asked.
"I want to know what's wrong with you" I said to him.
"Aubrey it's nothing. Ok?"
"Austin obviously it's something" I said getting annoyed.
"I just want you to stay off Twitter. Don't talk to Camila because yeah just don't" He said and walked away. Well fuck it. I pulled out my phone and went on Twitter.
"@CamilCallebo : I bet @AubreyLovesYou is gonna dress like a slut like she always does" WTH. I don't dress like a slut?
"@AubreyLovesYou : Got my
bestfriend Mama and boyfriend that's all I need 😘" After I tweeted that everyone went Crazy.
"@AubreyLovesYou : When someone talks about you or how you dress brush it off because in reality they are the ones who dress like that 😘 js love yall!!" I got off Twitter and went and talked to Athea.
"Sooooo" She said.
"Soooo. Wait! I need to request thanksgiving week off since I didn't for Halloween" I said taking out my phone. I texted my manager that I need Thanksgiving week off for family and friends. Ugh I still have a lot of shit to do.
"I really don't want to go to Kim's wedding. I mean. Hello I barley know her." I said.
"Why don't you tell her you can't then?" She asked.
"Because my manager already booked me the flights and everything. So did Austins." I told her.
"Wait so all of us are going? But only you and Austin are gonna be in the wedding?" She asked confused.
"Yeah" I said.
"Hell no. I didn't sign up for this." She almost yelled.
"And you think I did?" I asked her.
"Your different though. You are actually famous. I'm just famous because my brother." She said.
"Ugh. I'll figure something out. I don't want to go. Oh and I have a 2 day photo shoot" I said.
"I couldn't do it! All the work and makeup and different outfits" she said. I just laughed.
"Well I'm gonna go back to our room to see if Austins there. Duces" I said. I got up and walked out of the room. I walked down the hall a little ways and opened the door with the room key. Austin was on his bed sleeping. I crawled under the covers with him and cuddled with him. Eventually I fell asleep.
Camila's P.O.V
Me and the girls were sitting in the car on our way to an interview. They were all talking about how Aubrey looked so cute on the cover of people's magazine. Ugh. I hate that all my band mates like her. She's a slut. She took my boyfriend from me.
"Guys shut up about her." I said getting mad. I blasted her on Twitter but of course she came back even stronger and won. Again. I'm getting sick of her.
Alex's P.O.V
Me and the boys. (Robert and Zach) were in Miami walking on the beach. Damn there's some hot girls. But I have a girlfriend.
"Dude look at that girl" Robert said pointing to this hot girl. She was hot. Me and Robert kept looking at girls while Zach just walked with us. Zach didn't look because he had his eye on a girl named Kat. She was one of Atheas friends. Robert liked this girl named Cameron but she was dating Matthew. Cute couple. My girlfriends gonna kill me. Girls are taking pictures of me looking at girls. Ugh. I'm scared. Atheas fucking crazy she'd rip my head off. Yeah I'm just gonna go back.
"Let's go back to the condo boys." With that we were in our way back.
Athea's P.O.V
I was on Twitter when I seen a picture of Alex and the boys looking at girls wayyy prettier than me 'shut up your beautiful' the voice in my head told me. I shrugged it off.
"Mom where did Aubrey go?" I asked.
"Uh didn't she say she was going to see where Austin went?" My mom said back to me. Well asked.
"Yeah but wouldn't she be back already?"
"Maybe they are swimming or something. Go look for them" she said. I got up and walked to my room-- well the one we shared. I opened the room with the key. I looked around. I seen them cuddled in Austins bed sleeping. Aww I'm so glad they are dating!! I took out my phone and took a picture.
"@AtheaMahone : My bestfriend and brother?! Say whaaaaat?! 💕❤️" I tweeted the picture. I walked back to my moms room.
"Mom guess what?" I said. She looked up from her iPad.
"What?" She asked. I showed her the picture of Austin and Aubrey.

*sorry this really sucks. Soo I'll be updating every Thursday! Ya love yall 😘*

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