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Me: does anyone know what "fanfiction" means

pimp: what??

🗿: lmao no

lima: never heard of it

haroldina: my son😭😭😭😭

🗿: wtf

pimp: wtf

lima: wtl

🗿: wtl?

lima: what the liam
lima: i don't curse :))


pimp: 😐😐

Me: 🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀

haroldina: you still want to know what fanfiction is?

pimp: no

Me: yes

haroldina: OKAY


lima: does anyone know where harry is?

🗿: absolutely no idea

Me: he promised to tell me about fanfiction and he just disappeared

pimp: bro
pimp: im worried about him
pimp: he has been sitting with his phone writing something for the last 2 hours

🗿: what is he writing?

pimp: no idea
pimp: he's ignoring me idk why

haroldina: Fan fiction or fanfiction (also abbreviated to fan fic, fanfic, fic or ff) is a type of fictional text written by fans of any work of fiction where the author uses copyrighted characters, settings, or other intellectual properties from an original creator as a basis for their writing. Fan fiction ranges from a couple of sentences to an entire novel, and fans can both keep the creator's characters and settings or add their own. Fan fiction is a form of fan labor.

Fan fiction can be based on any fictional (and sometimes non-fictional) subject. Common bases for fan fiction include novels, movies, bands, and video games.

Fan fiction is rarely commissioned or authorized by the original work's creator or publisher and is rarely professionally published. It may infringe on the original author's copyright, depending on the jurisdiction and on such questions as for whether it qualifies as "fair use" (see Legal issues with fan fiction). Attitudes of authors and copyright owners of original works to fan fiction have ranged from indifference to encouragement or rejection. Copyright owners have occasionally responded with legal action.

The term "fan fiction" came into use in the 20th century as copyright laws began to delineate between stories using established characters that were authorized by the copyright holder and those that were unauthorized.[1] For earlier works with similar characteristics, see unofficial sequel or pastiche.

Fan fiction is defined by being both related to its subject's canonical fictional universe (often referred to as "canon") and simultaneously existing outside of it (Alternative universe).[2] Fan fiction is often written and published in circles of other fans, and therefore would usually not cater to readers who have no knowledge of the original fiction.

Fanfiction is most commonly found on platforms such as Tumblr, Archive of Our Own, Wattpad,, deviantART, Dreame, Quotev, Kindle Worlds, Asianfanfics, FicWad, Internet Archive, Feedbooks, Goodreads, LiveJournal, FictionPad, and MediaMiner. The term "fan fiction" has been used in print as early as 1939; in this earliest known citation, it is used in a disparaging way to refer to amateurish science fiction (as opposed to "pro fiction").[3] The term also appears in the 1944 Fancyclopedia, an encyclopedia of fandom jargon. It is defined there as "fiction about fans, or sometimes about pros, and occasionally bringing in some famous characters from [science fiction] stories". The book also mentions that the term is "sometimes improperly used to mean fan science fiction, that is, ordinary fantasy published in a fan magazine".

*pimp has left the chat*
*🗿 has left the chat*
*lima has left the chat*

Me: harry
Me: dear god please pour mercy on me

*you added pimp*
*you added 🗿*
*you added lima*

pimp: why
pimp: what did i do to deserve this

🗿: anyone have any idea about how to leave a chat without anyone noticing?

liam: same question here

Me: so y'all want to leave me alone with this frog

haroldina: rude :((((((((((

pimp: why did you ask about fics anyways??

Me: oh
Me: my sister was reading some so i thought id ask you guys

haroldina: WHAT
haroldina: I THOUGHT—

🗿: it was nice knowing you tommo

lima: rest in piece mate

pimp: say hi to my ex in hell

Me: niall

lima: niall

haroldina: niall

🗿: niall


after im done with this fic i will start writing one show texting fics (which will be a bit longer) bc i have never enjoyed writing something more than i enjoy writing this fic. Thank you for all the support ^^

Question: whats your favorite fanfic type??

I honestly hate character pov, i love AU fics, i will never EVER read a fic if there's major character death, i LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE a/b/o fics (alpha beta omega. they're like fics about wolves and dominant and submissive wolves and its just like really REALLY cool) aaaanddd i love instagram au fics or texting fics hehe.

-Anna ☺️

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