~Chapter 38~{Lost memories}

Start from the beginning

[Bakugou]- "What the hell are we even having?..,all this stuff doesn't look like something we usual buy.."

My father said as my dad smacks him on the back of his head.


I laugh along with my dad as my father continues to rub where he was hit.

[Kirishima]- "what did I tell you about cursing,we're gonna have guests over,you should know better suki!.."

My father only grumbled as he rolled his eyes

[Bakugou]- "Yeah whatever!.."

I may have lost some memories but this was definitely familiar I guess somethings just don't change.


As we were wrapping up on cooking we heard a knock on the door along with some shouting.

[Mina]- "Hey we're here!!!,let us in!!!~"

My aunt Mina yells from the other side of the door as me and my dads laugh while my father opens the door


My father yells as my dad walks behind him and hits him on the back of the head again.

[Bakugou]- "Ack!.."

[Kirishima]- "Don't mind him he's a bit hangry~"

My dad says as he smiles and moves both himself and my father to the side allowing the others to walk in.

[Kirishima]- "Please come right in~"

My father says as the others walk in.

[Mina]- "Why thank you!~"

[Denki]- "Long time no see guys!~"

[Midoryia]- "Hey kacchan,hey kiri!,glad we could make it~"

[Asui]- "Ribbit~"

[Todoroki]- "Thank you for inviting us .."

[Shinsou]- "Pleased to be here.."

[Jirou]- "Sup losers~"

[Ojirou]- "hey guys!"

All my "relatives" walk in with a nice greeting as their kids walk in behind them. I knew the basics from what my dads have told me. I knew all their names including Quill but they said that Quill has no parents so he will be living with us or he has already been living with us my mind is still fuzzy in the details.

[Aizawa]- "We're just here to drop Ren off,so make sure they're safe and well treated you two.."

My dads nods as my father grabs Ren by their neck and ruffles their hair.

[Bakugou]- Dont worry,they're perfectly safe in our home..,right Ren?~"

Ren only laughs and nods and they get out of My fathers grasp.

[Ren]- "Yeah don't worry dad,I'll be okay,you guys have fun~"

Ren says as his dads laugh.

[Yamada]- "Alrighty then!,we love you!,be safe kiddo~"

With that they left and everyones parent went to sit at the table while me and the others eat in my room.

[Kazuno]- "It's nice for all of us to get to hang out again after so long,right guys?!"

The Kazuno girl says as everyone nods. I was piecing things together while we ate and apparently Quill dates Haru and  Kai and kimmy were related as in twins. It was fun to be with them even though I didn't know who they were exactly.

[Ren]- "While we were gone did you manage to remember anything?.."

I shook my head as Ren pats my back slightly.

[Ren]- "Don't worry there's no rush.."

I nodded and smile as we left it at that and continued to have a good night together. We hung out all night while we all spent the night together but I wasn't really able to sleep so I just went to my back porch for some fresh air.

[Kazuno]-" hey..,whatcha doing out here?,you should be in bed  silly~"

Kazuno says as she sits beside me as I smile and shake my head.

[Kazuno]- "You know we were in a similar situation  like this before..,I uh don't think you remember but it was always us two who couldn't really sleep at night..,there was more to it then just us staying up together but I don't think I should go into that."

Kazuno says as she chuckles sadly but I can tell in her tone that she was sad so i scooted closer to her as I laid my head on her shoulder and she lays her head in mine softly.

[Kazuno]- "I never imagined that this would ever happen to you..*sniffles*..I -I somehow see it as partly my fault..I-I shouldn't have l-let you go alone..I should've been quicker..*Sniffles*..."

I looked over to see that she was crying as I sat up and wipes away her tears as he holds my hand against her cheek more.

[Kazuno]- I-I love you so much Kenji!..and I hate that everything keeps hurting you!..it's not fair!..I don't know how or what I'm gonna do but i will make sure that you get your memories back no matter what!..I promise!.."

She cried more as I shook my head.

'It's okay..I don't need memories..I can make new ones!..'

I wanted so bad to yell that out but I couldn't so I just held her in my arms.

[Kazuno]- "Actually I think that there's one way I think could possibly work but I need you to trust me..alight?.."

I tilted my head before nodding.

'It shouldn't be that bad ..right?..'

I thought to myself before she slowly leans closer to me as I don't move and suddenly I feel her lips press against mine and my eyes widen immediately as I watch her close her eyes as I slowly begin to melt into the kiss myself.

*bells jingling*


[Kazuno]- "KENJI!!??.."


Hey guys I hope you're enjoying the story so far,let me know what your thoughts are down in the comments and tell me what you guys think will happen next😏💕please don't hesitate to like,share and comment,love you all


Word count: 1640


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