Chapter 4 | Just Pretend

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Tenten glared at his expressionless face. "Don't expect me to forgive you that easily. If you weren't a fucking player, more people would respect you."

Neji gave a sigh. "It's the path I chose years ago. Nothing can change that now."

"By saying that, you're giving up on yourself," Tenten replied. 

"Naruto told me the same thing."

"Well, Naruto's right," She muttered. 

"How am I supposed to change anyways? Women throw themselves at me," Neji said, his voice blunt. 

"Well, you can start by ignoring them," Tenten suggested, "And if you're gonna date someone, be serious about the relationship. Don't just dump them two days later."

Neji nodded.

"Also, be careful what type of person you date. Don't just choose some random girl."

His face suddenly turned serious. "Tenten, um..."

"Yeah?" She asked, glancing at him in puzzlement.

"Can we date, just for practice?" Neji asked, his tone slightly nervous.

"How's that gonna help?"

"Well, you could tell me what I'm doing right and wrong. Plus, it can be like...a challenge, and convince the rest of Konoha 12-"

"I guess so," Tenten cut in, shrugging. "Only for practice though. Once you get the hang of it, you're on your own."

Neji nodded again, wondering why he felt anxious. "Time to break up with Ami," He murmured. Tenten face palmed, although she was glad he would no longer be bringing that rude woman into the dorm. Neji frowned at his phone. "Be prepared for-" A loud banging could be heard on the door. He sighed, "Here she is," Going to the door and opening it. 

A very angry-looking girl stormed in. "Why did you break up with me all of a sudden?! Is it because of," She pointed a finger at Tenten, "her? She doesn't deserve you Neji, look how ugly she is. I'm way better so why don't you-"

"I already told you, we're done Ami. Get out of my dorm," Neji commanded, giving her a glare. 

"Fine, you'll only toy with her anyways, then you can dump her. When you do, I'll be here," She said sweetly, batting her eyelashes at the Hyuga. Ami only received another glare. "Oh, should I tell her about the condoms you keep in your drawer? How you-"

"Get out Ami," He growled. She laughed before leaving the dorm.

"Condoms?" Tenten asked, sliding open the drawer to the nightstand. Sure enough, they were there. "Neji, none of us thought you'd go to the point where-"

"I don't. They're in there in case things do go too far," Neji replied. "I swear."

Tenten raised and eyebrow but nodded, closing the drawer. "Also, does the pretend relationship mean we have and stuff?" Kissing Neji didn't sound too awful, but she had no intention of actually dating him nor did she want to face the awkwardness if they did kiss.

"Only if people get suspicious," He answered. "If the situation is to the point where we need to convince someone and there's no other option."

"Alright," Tenten answered. She could literally feel her heart pounding against her ribcage, but she couldn't understand why. For some reason, she felt excited, nervous, and unsure all at the same time. 

They sat in an awkward silence for a moment until they heard a soft knock on the door. "Who could it be this time?" Neji muttered under his breath, going to the door and opening it. Outside the room stood Ino and Sakura.

Ino peered at Neji and Tenten in curiosity. "Are we interrupting something?"

"Uh," Tenten began as she walked towards the door. She didn't know what to say to them. The brunette decided that now wasn't the time to "break the news" to her friends. It was too awkward. Neji gave her a look and she shook her head before smiling at her friends. "What's up?" She asked casually. 

"We should be asking you that question," Sakura answered, "We saw an angry looking Ami in the halls. Ino asked her what the hell happened and she said Neji dumped her, which didn't surprise us until she informed us how you were present during the breakup. So, Tenten, what's up?"

"I- ah, um..." She mumbled.

Ino squealed and began asking if she and Neji were dating, which they both didn't deny nor confirm so that it would seem as though they were embarrassed. Truthfully, it was very, very awkward. Tenten felt guilty about lying to her friends, but she felt somewhat happy about "dating" Neji. She couldn't understand why. Worry nagged at her. How would she tell her friends once the practicing was over? They would be disappointed in her. 

"Sooo, why did Ami run off?" Ino asked, snapping Tenten out of her thoughts. "As your best friend, I demand the answer."

"Like you said, Neji broke up with her," Tenten replied. 

"And you just happened to be there?" Sakura asked suspiciously.

"Yes. I was in the room at the time."

This time it was Ino's turn to question. "Why would he break up with Ami though?"

"She's a bitch. I swear she would have broken the damn door if someone hadn't opened it," Tenten muttered, rolling her eyes.

"And why is-"

"Tenten and I are dating," Neji plainly stated. Tenten immediately shot him a look saying why the heck would you just blurt that out? He just smirked at her.

Ino and Sakura began squealing happily about telling all of Konoha 12, much to Tenten's dismay. When the two excited friends were busy chatting, she mouthed, "Why?" Neji just shrugged and smirked in amusement at Ino and Sakura. Tenten felt like slapping him again. Out of all people that had to know first, he had told Ino. Everyone heard a ding coming from their phones.

"Ino, you just had to tell the ENTIRE group chat?!" Tenten screeched. She felt like slamming her phone down onto the ground, slapping Neji, and slapping Ino. "Nobody knows how to keep a secret around here," She muttered, an angry tone in her voice. After the two friends had left the dorm, she stomped over to Neji and slapped his face. "Why did I ever agree to help you?!" She yelled, feeling her anger rising. "COULDN'T YOU HAVE WAITED UNTIL A BETTER TIME TO INFORM EVERYONE? INO BARGES IN AND YOU IMMEDIATELY BLURT IT OUT!"

Tenten was pinned to the wall once again. Neji's unbelievably beautiful face was centimeters away from hers, and she nearly forgot how to breathe. This time, he held the lower part of her arms, preventing the brunette from escaping his grasp. Damn him and his Hyuga charm, she mentally scowled. "Let go of me Neji," She demanded, gritting her teeth.

"No," He whispered, his voice soft and velvety, making her simply want to melt.

"Is this how you toy with people?" Tenten seethed, glaring at his pale lavender eyes. "Pin them against the wall and smirk in their faces? Stop messing with me you bastard, or I won't help you change that pathetic love life of yours," She snapped. His hands loosened and she snatched her arms away, scowling as she sat down on the edge of her bed. Neji felt like he had been mentally slapped. What is she doing to me? He scoffed, refusing to let a woman trigger his emotions in any way. 

The two of them, once again, sat in silence until Neji spoke up. "Listen Tenten, I wasn't trying to toy with your emotions-"

"Whatever," She muttered, grabbing clothes from the closet and heading into the bathroom.

Neji felt a pang in his chest. He didn't know why it was there. What is happening to me?

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