Part 28

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The group had made their way back to Umbergaon by car. Everyone was talking, sharing their excitement of enjoying the weekend together. Rajesh dropped everyone at Sumedh's house. Everyone grabbed their luggage, paid Rajesh, and turned to leave. But they were all interrupted when Rajesh cleared his throat.

"Um, I just want to's a pleasure being with you guys." but the whole time he was looking at Mira. However, Mira was scrolling in her phone with airpods in, not hearing a single thing that's going on. Mallika noticed this and bumped her hard in the shoulders.

"WHAT?!" Everyone suddenly turned to look at Mira. She took out one airpod and saw everyone's expressions, and then saw Rajesh who looked like he was going to erupt into tears. What did I miss? Why is everyone looking at me angrily? Oops.

"Uh sorry....continue,"

"Uh as I was saying...I never have this friendly bond with any other people I tour with ....especially you Mira."

"Ummm...okay? Sorry but I gotta go." But before she could go, Sumedh grabbed her and made her stay. Hasn't this girl ever heard a thing called "manners"?!

"I just wanted to say...I will miss you. So so so much! Our story will always remain incomplete...maybe destiny is making us wait for our bonding in our next life."

At this point, everyone was looking at each other a bit impatient. Mira, on the other hand, had enough of this emotional nonsense. "Ok ok Rajesh. We'll see about that. As for right now...I have to go use the toilet!" With that, she turned around and started walking away, really fast. Rajesh suddenly burst into tears. Everyone stands there confused, not sure how to console him. Basant and Sumedh, seeing the situation, signaled Mallika and Monika to go up towards Sumedh's apartment while they took care of Rajesh. Sumedh tossed his apartment keys to Mallika.

Basant, on the other hand, was already beside Rajesh.

"Rajesh...calm down...there are plenty of other girls out there...I'm sure you will find your um soulmate soo--"

Sumedh suddenly interrupted. "Yeah, exactly! Download Tinder yaar!" Hearing this Rajesh howled with tears even louder. Seeing this Basant gave Sumedh a death stare. Arey, why are you making him scream like a monkey again! YOU'RE NOT HELPING! Sumedh held his ear and signaled a quick sorry.


Meanwhile, Mira was sitting on the couch on her laptop. Basant and Sumedh walked in holding their heads.

"Somebody give me Zandu Balm. I have a headache from that." Basant whined.

"Ohhh Mira! What happened to your pee visit?!" Sumedh said sarcastically. "With that stupid excuse, you punished us to consoling him! He didn't even stop crying for 15 minutes!!"

"Sorry..." she replied sheepishly.

"Ok ok guys! Let's break this up! It's been a long trip and I am not in the mood for all of this," said Monika. "I suggest we all freshen up, have something to eat, yes?"

Everyone nodded in agreement.


"Ok guys. It's pretty late and all of you have your bags so why don't you just stay at my place for tonight?" Sumedh offered. Everyone agreed to the idea.

"Yeah plus I'm super tired, so I am going to sleep." Mira said.

"Ya ya me too," the rest chorused back and they all started to make arrangements for the beds and all. Once everyone was set in the living room, they talked for a little while, and then slowly one by one, they all dozed off (or what they thought).


Sumedh was trying to go to sleep, but he just couldn't. He turned around to see that Mallika was facing the other side. "Hey...hey Miku, " he whispered, trying not to wake anyone up.

"Hmmm," she responded, turning around to face him.

"I can't sleep."

"And what do you expect me to do. Sing you a lullaby???" Mallika responded, turning back around to go to sleep.

"But at least come with me?"

"And where do you want me to come with you? Mount Everest?"

"Areeee, just come on a walk with me. Chal na pleaseeeeee."

Mallika looked at him annoyed. "Ok fine." They both got up and proceeded to successfully get through the obstacle course of bodies to the door.

~10 minutes later~

Soon the pair were making their way back to the apartment smiling after their silent and peaceful walk.

"Aree wait. You guys are Sumedh and Mallika right? The ones on the RadhaKrishn serial my mom watches?" a voice said from behind, making them turn. They turned to see the sight of a couple of boys. "Oh ya it's them!!!"

Mallika just smiled while Sumedh went into deep thoughts. Who are these fans that are here so late at night? And...all men. I'm getting a bad feeling about this...

"Hi guys!" Mallika said.

"Hey sweety. We are actually really big fans of YOU. I'm Abhi and this is my gang. You wouldn't mind a picture right?"

SWEETY! How do they have the guts to call her something like that. Sumedh thought, getting slightly annoyed. Mallika decided to ignore the "nickname" and agreed to the photo. Let's just get this over with. She politely stood by the boys and Sumedh joined her by her side, his arms folded. As the group huddled around them, Abhi stood beside Mallika (holding up his phone to take a selfie) and slowly went to slide his arm around her waist. Sumedh seeing this move, reflexively put his hand around Mallika before Abhi could. Abhi jerked his hand back and just put it to his side. They clicked a couple photos and separated from the group of boys. Sumedh kept staring at that one boy, Abhi. "Nice meeting you guys..." Sumedh said through clenched teeth, indicating for them to leave in a nice way. Sensing that things weren't gonna go well, Abhi slowly led his friends away from Sumellika.

Mallika, on the other hand, noticed the whole scene from the beginning. "I saw everything that happened you know."

Sumedh just kept a plain face and looked at the sky. "I have no idea what you are talking about...anyway let's go back."

Mallika just smiled at him and held his hand. They both walked up to the apartment and Sumedh went to push the door quietly to sneak back inside. Just to find out...IT WAS LOCKED!

"Oh noo!! Mallika the door is locked!! And...I don't have my keys!" Mallika's eyes went wide in shock.

"WHAT! You left it open, right? How did it lock?"

But another voice, no two voices, interrupt their panicked situation.

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