Part 12

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 On Sumedh's hand, there was a deep cut. And it was bleeding pretty bad.


"Huh?" Sumedh was interrupted from gazing into Mallika's face.

"YOUR BLEEDING!" Mallika exclaimed, panicked.

"'s fine, it's nothing. Let's continue shop---"

"NO its not fine! We are going home! Let's leave" she interrupted while dragging him away.
"Wait Mallika! Ur dress!" he said while looking at the store's dress she was wearing.

"Oh right! I'll change and come back fast. Don't go anywhere." she warned. And with that she ran into the changing room.

*After 2 minutes*

Mallika ran out and dragged Sumedh to the car.

"I'm driving!" she said stubbornly. Sumedh was still looking at her face, smiling to himself. She cares so much for me...

"Mallika, this cut is nothing! Let's go-to restaurant and get som---"

"CHUP, we are going directly home! And don't say a single word." she said angrily, putting a finger to her lips.

"Ok...sorry" he said, humorously scared.

"I don't know what you were thinking! Why would you fight them? They were big idiots and the police could have dealt with those idiots. Don't you know how worried I was. What if something had happened to you. Did you even think about what I would go through?! But no. Here, this mister, was like I'm Tiger Shroff. Oh why didn't you say the dialogues also (sarcastically)?!" Mallika rambled on and on.

Sumedh however, put his head on his arm and leaned against the dashboard, looking at her the whole time while smiling.

"By the way, that dress was nice. You should have totally bought it....It's okay, we can go another day."

Mallika just looked at him in disbelief. "You're kidding me, right! I'm talking about this, and you are just talking about how good that stupid dress looked. Crazy fellow!"

They soon reached Sumedh's home and walked inside.

"Look at me.." Mallika started still a bit angry.

"Wasn't I doing that the entire time?" he said, still smiling.

"STOP the jokes!" Mallika glared. "Give me the first aid!"

"Okay madam, I'm going." He went to the closet, got the first aid box, and gave it to her.

"Sit down" she said sternly. He sat down and looked at her innocently, his eyes gleaming playfully. Mallika tried not to look at his eyes, knowing her anger will vanish if she did. I'm so worried here and he's smiling the whole time. Does he not even feel any pain?! She opened the box and got out the medications and swabs.

"Give me your hand" she said frowning. He gave her his hand, still looking at her face, of course. She wiped it with a cloth to clean the wound and got out the alcohol wipes to clean it.

"Ok listen this will sting a little."

"Hmm" Sumedh replied while putting his face in the palm of his other hand...still looking at her.

She took the wipe and hesitantly wiped it, flinching a bit, like she could feel his pain. Sumedh, on the other hand, did not even flinch an inch. Mallika looked at his face to see him smiling and looking back at her. Is he crazy?! she thought. But at the same time, while bandaging his hand, she opened her mouth to ask a question that's been bugging her the whole time.

"Sumi....I have one question."

"Haan, pucho."

"Why did you react so much....for me" she asked and her voice got softer and quieter as she spoke.

I can't hide my feelings any longer. It's time for me to express. Sumedh thought.

He opened his mouth....


He opened his mouth to speak. "Mallika, look at me." Mallika looked up, making eye contact with him. "I did this because I care for you. I care for you as I've never for anyone else. You mean a lot to me," Sumedh said. He suddenly had a flashback to when the man was holding Mallika. The amount of anger Sumedh had felt. He brushed that away - looking back at Mallika, waiting for her reaction.

"So then, what are 'we'? Where do we stand?" she asked. "What exactly do I mean to you?"

Sumedh held both of her hands. His voice was a whisper now, "A lot more than friends, Mallika."

To this she looked back up into his eyes. "Will you be the Radha to this Krishna's heart?"

Mallika stared emotionally at him, but then suddenly started hitting him. Sumedh was confused and a bit sad. God I have such bad timing. I could have said anything else - but no.

"Why...Why did it take you this long to tell me?!?!!?" Sumedh looked up immediately. His eyes gleamed with excitement and he flashed a bright smile. "God if you had told me before, I wouldn't have been so confused."

"Wait, so that means you feel the same way!?" Sumehd asked, very surprised.

"Yes you stupid idiot dumbo."

They both hugged each other in excitement. Their bodies were really close to each other. Their breaths were synced. They both pulled back - but were still in each other arms, holding on to each other. They both were locked into each other's eyes, but then both of them suddenly got a thought. Wait. We just got into this relationship. It would be better to not rush things.

They both just smiled at each other and reluctantly separated. Mallika decided to make the mood lighter and joking said, "And next time, don't hit anyone! Or else, I'll hit you."

Sumedh being witty said, "Oh. So you are implying there will be a next time. Well then, I'm going to have to brush up on my fighting skills. It doesn't help when you're a dancer."

"Didn't you just hear what I said. If you hit anyone else, I'm going to hit you."

"Well, I wouldn't mind that. Shri Krishna is always ready to get hit by his Radha. I would happily take it." Mallika just rolled her eyes and shook her head. He'll never change - but I like him like this. Haha.

"Ok. Since you didn't let me get food on the way and I'm actually hungry, I'm ordering. What would you like to eat, Madam Saheb?!"

Mallika slapped him on the shoulder playfully.

"What did I do?!" Sumedh said innocently. "Ok I'm ordering some food from Swiggy."

*After 10 minutes of debating over food*

Sumedh and Mallika were sitting on the sofa browsing through the TV. The doorbell rang.

"I think that's the Swiggy, I'll get it." Sumedh said. After paying, he carried the food into the dining room. He set up the bowls and plates and opened the food. Mallika joined and sat in the chair. They were both super hungry. Sumedh pulled up a chair right next to her and had a mysterious smile on his face.


"Haan what?"

"Since my hand is injured....will u feed me?" Sumedh acted all innocent.

Yayy! Sumellika seems to have taken another step ahead in their relationship... 

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