Part 9

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But suddenly Sumedh had a thought. Wait. This isn't right. God, what am I doing? He pulled away and Mallika was left standing there again, with a blank expression. "You must be very tired. It was a long day for both of us. I'll show you your room." Mallika just nodded and followed Sumedh. "And also, let me know if there's anything you need." Mallika just nodded again. Sumedh led her to a room.

"Here you are Mallika. Hope you feel comfortable."

"But Sumedh? Is this your bedroom? Where are you going to sleep?"

"You don't worry Mallika. I have everything figured out, this is your room" Sumedh insisted. Mallika was too tired to argue back, so decided to sleep.

"Ok, Sumedh. Thank you so much, I'll sleep now. Good night."

"Good night Mallika." And with that, he closed the door.

Sumehd walked out and proceeded to take a shower. He then walked to the living room and took out bed sheets and a blanket from a closet. He went back to the sofa and settled in while closing his eyes.

They both fell into a deep sleep.

Suddenly, Sumedh heard a scream. And was the middle of the night!

"What the heck? Mallika, are you ok?," Sumedh said as he got out of the sofa. He rushed to her room and saw her there, awake in bed and scared. He went over to her and sat down beside her.

"Are you ok? What happened? Look at me - you are safe here. Nothing to worry about. are in your bed." Mallika paid no attention to his word. She fell into his arms crying. He put his arms around her, consoling her.

"It's fine. Nothing's going to happen to you. Just a bad dream. " She calmed down after a few minutes. She looked up at him. "You good?" Sumedh asked her. She nodded slightly still confused and in a sleepy mode. She noticed that she was hugging him so tightly. She separated from him and adjusted herself. He looked at her. "Try and go back to sleep, ok? And if you need anything, just call me."

He got up to leave, but suddenly felt her hand grabbing his. Sumedh looked back and saw Mallika looking back at him - her eyes reflected her true feelings. She was still scared. Mallika started to say something in a low voice, "Sumedh. If you don't mind could you please stay here with me for some time. Just until I calm down. If you don't want to - I understand----" But before she could finish her sentence, Sumedh put his hand to her mouth and shook his head.

"I'll stay with you as long as you want." Perhaps even for life, Sumedh thought to himself.

Sumedh knew he shouldn't leave her like such a distressed state. He sat back down right beside her. She laid down and closed her eyes - trying to fall asleep. She turned and turned but still didn't seem to feel settled. But right then, she felt hands caressing her hair. She looked up to see him sitting next to her with a sympathetic smile. And that's all it took. That's all it took for her to smile right back. That's all it took for her to forget all her fears and fall asleep.

Sumedh closed his eyes, still kneading his fingers through her hair, just like comforting a child. After what felt like a long time, he opened his eyes to see her fast asleep. He noticed Mallika was grabbing onto his arm and taking gentle deep breaths. He smiled to himself while slowly taking his hand away. He got up, covered Mallika with a blanket, and quickly went out of the room returning to his sleep on the sofa.

The next day Mallika woke up in the early morning and stretched in bed. But quickly she realized where she was and all of yesterday's events came back into her head. First I need to find Sumedh immediately. Mallika got out of bed and walked out of the door. He told me he was going to be sleeping in another room, but I don't see any other rooms. So strange. She slowly walked into the hall and was shocked seeing him sleeping on the sofa. WHAT! He's sleeping on the sofa...just for me? She walked towards him and noticed how he slept on the sofa. He was sleeping on his stomach, face sticking out to the side with his hair covering it all up. Mallika knelt down in front of him and wiped his springy hair to the side, revealing his face. Oh my gosh, he looks so cute!

Sumedh was sleeping peacefully with his mouth a tiny bit opened. He lay soundlessly without even flinching a bit. Mallika was mesmerized and started reaching over to touch his face. But she stopped. This is wrong. I should let him sleep, he probably didn't get any because of me yesterday. With that, Mallika went into the bathroom to freshen up.

*20 minutes later*

Mallika was sitting on the bed bored when she suddenly got an idea. Sumedh helped me a lot yesterday, so I will do something in return. What can I do....aha.....I'll make a grand breakfast!

She walked to the kitchen and looked around. Today's menu will be....chapati with aloo curry, fafda, and for some sweet - jalebis. I can make all the curry and sweets first and then make the chapatis later. With that, Mallika set off to work in the kitchen.

*In the living room*

Sumedh woke up to the smell of delicious food. He heard sounds coming from the kitchen. What is she doing? Probably was hungry, so just made herself something. But it smells so good!!! Let me freshen up and help her. He quickly ran into the bathroom.

*Back in the kitchen*

Mallika was working really hard to get all the curry done. While she was waiting for it to cook on the stove she decided to start making the chapatis. She looked through the cupboards to find a big bowl but she couldn't. Finally, she looked up and saw one way up at the top. She reached high to grab it, but failed. She jumped and jumped but couldn't reach. Just then, she found a chair and set it up below the cupboard. She stood on it, unaware that it was not sturdy. Now that it was easier to grab it she reached up, but suddenly the chair folded back making her fall back. OH NO! What happened to the chair?!?!

"MALLIKA?!" Sumedh yelled, coming just in time to catch her as she fell. She landed right in his arms closing her eyes tight.

"Mallika....? You can open your're safe." Sumedh said softly. She opened her eyes to his concerned face.

"What are you doing!? You could have woken me up if you needed something! Why are you doing all this work? And what would have happened if you fell?!" Sumedh exclaimed, still worried. He placed her down.

"Sumedh...I just needed that bowl up there, it was too high. And I wanted to surprise you...but you found out." she replied a bit sad. Sumedh smiled, sympathetically.

"I mean it is still a surprise, I didn't expect you to do all this!" he said brightly.

Mallika just looked at him and chuckled. She again tried to get the bowl by reaching for it but just couldn't. Suddenly, she felt a pair of hands around her waist. She looked back to see Sumedh holding her. "Here. I'll lift you up. You grab the bowl." He lifted her and she grabbed the bowl. He set her down gently and she turned around to thank him - not realizing how close they were. She was squished between the counter and Sumedh's body. His hands were still at her waist. They were both intently staring into each other's eyes.

Suddenly they were disturbed by a sudden knock at the door.... 

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