Part 3

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*A long ride later*

The sight of mountains and evergreen forests took the breath out of Mallika.

"Sumi...this is just amazing."

Sumedh just smiled. He was watching her intently through the bike mirrors, taking note of all her expressions. There was something about her that he JUST couldn't get over.

"Come on let's walk around and explore. But I have to tell you, this is not even the best part yet." Sumedh had a mischievous glow in his eyes, that Mallika noticed.

"Oh so there's more?" Mallika teased.

"Just wait and see"

Sumedh padded down the stand and leaned the bike to the side. He got off quickly to give Mallika room to move around. Mallika pulled her leg over to one side to get off, but right then, lost balance while trying to get off. She grabbed the first thing she could see and steadied herself. Whew, that was a close one.

"Are you okay?"

Mallika looked up to see Sumedh staring concernedly right back at her. She looked down to see the thing she grabbed was actually his hand.

She quickly let go, and replied, "Yes I'm fine. Ready to go?"

"Ready when you are." Sumedh replied giving her a bright grin.

They both started walking side by side. I could spend all my life here if I could, thought Sumedh. Mallika turned to capture a sight of Sumedh. He looks deep in thought. Sumedh turned to face her, and she quickly looked away. Their footsteps synced, their pace synced, and even their expressions synced together. They walked in silence embracing every sight they had in front of them. But suddenly something brushed against Mallika's hand. She looked down and saw his hand. Their hands were separated by only a few centimeters--now millimeters. Sumedh's heartbeat sped and so did Mallika's. Slowly the hands turned to face each other and became one. They now walked while holding hands. Sumedh tugged at her hand in silence and led her through a forest path. She didn't question where they were going because she knew being with Sumedh is enough to keep her happy.

"Ok this is where I need you to close your eyes." Sumedh finally said breaking the silence. He comes behind Mallika and puts his hands in front of her eyes. Is this too much he thought. But he does it anyway. He slowly leads her down the path and finally tells her to open her eyes. She does and gasps.

"He Narayan. Sumedh you have shown my eyes the greatest thing so far in my whole life!!". Mallika yelled.

Sumedh just laughs. Right before Mallika, was a vast open forest area with a beautiful waterfall. A river went on and on at the bottom. Mallika runs close to the banks of the river to play in the water. She gathers at the edge and runs the water through her fingers, and soon splashes it around. Sumedh watches her intently from behind. I see you as more beautiful than the whole scenery, Mallika he thinks inside. He watches as she laughs and splashes the water. This was the greatest treat to his eyes. Mallika rises and heads towards the waterfall. Sumedh decides to follow from behind. Mallika fastens her pace with excitement.

"Careful Mallika, you're going a bit too fast" Sumedh warns from behind. But Mallika didn't seem to hear his warnings, mesmerized from what's in front her. She simply just sped on.

But suddenly, just as she reached the joint of the waterfall and the river, she abruptly slipped on mud, going back first into the river. Oh no!!! Oh no!!! I can't fall into the river, I'll make a fool of myself. She closes her eyes tightly, praying she doesn't get hurt. However, Mallika didn't seem to have moved. In fact, she felt as if she was levitating in the air. What happened now? Am I floating underwater? Is that even possible? She slowly opens her eyes, and they widen, as she sees the whole universe right in front of her. She searches deeper and deeper, but it doesn't seem to have an end. Mallika suddenly knocks back into reality and sees his mesmerizing eyes staring right back at her. But not only that. She notices his arm around her waist, holding her from falling back, and his other hand holding firmly onto a tree branch for balance. And they stayed like that, for a long time. Perhaps even for eternity, as that's how it felt.

What a save Sumedh!  How was this part? Personally, it will always be our favorite! Do comment, follow, and vote!

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