Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning


"That Irish bastard."

"Don't worry though, it's not least not to me..Dani always said you guys would make a good couple though."

"It's fine Liam. As long as Louis doesn't know, okay?"

"Okay." Liam smiled, which warmed my heart.

"By the are you?"

"About the Danielle thing? Much better."

"So..there's know..someone else?"

"Andrea told you didn't she?"


"That Irish bastard lover."

I laughed and pulled into Liam's driveway, "We have great friends don't we?"

"The best." Liam smiled and kissed me on the cheek, "See you on Friday!"

"Bye Liam!"

"Oh! And good luck on your dinner date with Harry tomorrow night!"

My mouth dropped as Liam laughed and ran inside, "Damn do any of us ever have any privacy around here?!"


~The next day~

Finally. Work was over. And it wasn't bad as I expected, it was worse. Andrea called in sick so I had no-one to complain to about the bitchy costumers, and let me tell you, they were bitchy.

I checked my phone for the first time today to see three texts:

'Hey Demi, can't wait until tonight:) Xx -Harry'

'Im still fine for everyone to come over tomorrow night, just wasn't feeling well this morning! Love you -Drea'

'Dem..I miss you, we don't talk anymore! Not cool little fart;) -Louis'

I quickly sent my replies:

"Me either Harry:) see you later!"

"Okay, let me know If you need ANYTHING. Love you tooXx"

"It's your fault you turd-muffin;) but I miss you too..a lot."

I defiantly wanted to send more to Louis, but I know once I started, I would've never stopped.

I got home with an hour left until Harry would be here to pick me up. I wasn't exactly looking forward to it, but I needed to give him at least one more shot..right? I mean, he was so sweet and handsome, maybe if I just let go and try this I would finally get over Louis. But as always, down in my heart I knew that could never happen.

I slipped into a strapless light blue dress I had and put my hair into a messy side braid. My makeup was already done from work so after touching it up I was already finished with thirty-three minutes to spare.

I walked over to my bed and pulled out my journal from underneath my pillow. I hadn't written in so long..not since Eleanor happened. I guess I thought it would be too painful...

I read through some pages, laughing and tearing up here and there, when I finally heard a knock. Right on time. Harry looked amazing in a button up purple shirt that brought out his eyes. He softly kissed me on the cheek and grabbed my hand leading me out to the car.

We pulled up to a very nice restaurant, one I had never been to before. Harry must have noticed the expression on my face because he laughed and said this was were he would go to get away from the fans and paps.

"Oh, so this is where you take all the ladies?" I winked and nudged him as we walked to our table.

"Only the special ones.."

I actually blushed at his comment, which took me by surprise. Maybe this was good. A start..well I don't know. But I have the rest of the night to find out.

"So said you were going to start college soon?" Harry asked once we placed in our orders.

"Yes, I want to study journalism."

"Wow. That's amazing..I didn't know you liked to write."

"I love's sorta my passion. Something I have to do."

Harry nodded and took a sip of his drink, "That's how I am with singing. It's..indescribable."

"Exactly! I know it's what I want to do."

" Here's an idea! Your first entry could be with us! I mean, not to be big-headed or anything, but imagine to job offers you'd get if your first ever interview was with 'One Direction'? The fans go mad with just a simple tweet, let alone a full blown interview."

He was right. Even though I wasn't going to be a Journalist for celebrities, I could always get my foot in the door, "Alright. Ill hold you to it."

"Good! Id love to see you at work." Harry winked and reached over for my hand, "by the way, I'm really happy you've decided to come tonight."

Again, I blushed..and then I realized something, "You know what Haz? I'm really happy I came too."

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