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seohyun cutie

| hii:)
| did you make it back home safely?

oh yeah how about you? |
i mean you know, mark.. |

| good then
| nah he's calmed down

what a relief |

| yeah

seohyun |
can i ask you something? |

| nope
| lol kidding
| did u happen to see hyuck on your way home?

uh. yes |
why? |

| just wondering if he was somewhat worried u know
| he doesn't look like he really is:((
| i mean it's like he didn't cared abt me after all
| aish y do i feel uneasy
| what was it again?

silly, why do u like each other then act like this |
[delete message]

the what? |

| u gonna ask smth?

oh that, i suddenly forgot |
let me think abt it again |

| geesh grandpa
| so did u guys talked earlier?

uh, yes, actually |
can we not talk abt that thing in here? |

| wdym i was just asking:<

no i didn't mean to not answer ur question |

| then uhmm..
| let's meet rn?

what?? |
no |
i mean, i would loved to but it's already late |
we can meet tomorrow of smth |

| hmmmmm

hmmmmm? |

| aight see u then:)
| should we go on a date?

what? i should be the one asking u that, |

| a friendly date renjun-ssiii~

yeah, i said so.. |
alright, let's talk about donghyuck tomorrow |
i'll pick u up |

| ya i was kidding
| u want ur ass to get beaten?
| mark would be very mad if he'd get to see u

ohh.. |
but can we still go on a date? |
uhmm a friendly date. |

| yeahh
| we can go on a date everyday if u want to

really? |

| why not?
| thanks for today anyways

no, thank you |
and uhm sorry for what i did |
u know, kissing |
you |
on the cheek without permission |

| what are you sorry foorr?
| renjun-ssiii~
| it's completely fine and nothing's wrong
| i could kiss u on the lips a hundred times

what?? |

| kidding
| dont worry about it
| you've told me you'll be holding holding my hands forever
| a kiss won't break that you know

but departing because you're just visiting here could |

| aww renjun-ssi dont be so upset
| we still got 7 days

hey, seohyun |

| what, renjun-ssi

i like you |
uhm.. |
can we, |
possibly |
date..? |

| what?
| but we're alrdy going on a date tomorrow,,

no i mean, |

| let's talk about that tomorrow:))

well |
okay |

| okay:))♥

renjun stood up from his seat and punched the air, "oh my god... yes!!" and started jumping like a kid, dancing like he's not a man.

"why is there a heart, oh my, we're going on a date tomorrow," he then hugged his phone.

"seriously what's wrong with you? geesh." jaemin shook his head, watching the elder celebrating.

"i think he's promoted..." jeno said.

"just shut up, i'm sleeping." he rolled his eyes over the two and went back to his bed, smiling.


"it's seohyun."

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