04 | almost

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[ seohyun ]

"uhm.. so, what's up?" i asked as we stopped quite not far away the cafe.

i watched him smile sheepishly, rubbing his nape while staring down his shoes.

"err.. so if you're not going to talk then i'll be the first to do so, renjun-ssi, i missed you." i smiled, tried preventing from blushing.

he immediately looked at me with as well burning cheeks before i got welcomed into a very tight embrace.

"seohyun, i missed you more, like a lot, i just.. do." he whispered beside my ear.

but.. are we something to even talk like this?

"tell me you always knew what i felt before over you." he said after the hug.

"uhm.. excuse me if i'm dense?" i chuckled.

"you know it, don't act like you do not, cause i always felt the same until now." he bit his lower lip. which i found cute cause it's just.

but what i replied made him chuckle as well. because i just hummed questioningly.

"okay you're really dense. what if i'd kiss you now? would you know what's behind it? or would you dodge?" he moved closer.

i blinked my eyes unusually and tried distancing myself but he's leaning closer and closer.

i just came from canada can't you give me a break?? ajdbjsbdjdndk.

i looked away when he was really real close from touching my lips. but seeing him frown in my pheriperal vision made me feel guilty.

so i looked back, but as i did, i regretted, which we almost touched each ones lips but he moved back immediately to prevent it from happening.

yeah, everyone knows that i like him, even him knows that, i know it, and i felt really guilty for what have been with him.

under my trance, i reached for his colar harshly and tiptoed. i don't know what i'm doing but i'm letting myself do it.

"SEOHYUN." we both looked behind when we heard that loud deep voice coming from afar.

three other boys came out from the cafe with jaemin being in the front.

"who's this yangyang guy your brother have been talking about?" he asked.

"what?" i asked completely confused.

yeah i know yangyang, but what about him?

oh anyways, he has been my friend in canada ever since we lived there.

but i feel guilty for him because i love these guys more than how i love him. heh.

renjun stood beside me and asked the boys, "who's yangyang?"

"so what, we hot we yang~" jeno snapped.

"let us go inside and talk about the yangyang." donghyuck started walking back inside again.

talk about the yangyang eh?

as we sat back, i started stealing glances on renjun which he did the same, and he's smiling again sheepishly.

i chuckled as he look down so i just diverted my gaze on donghyuck, he was looking at me smugly.

"so how's your dates with the yangyang?" he asked.

"dates?" renjun suddenly asked.

"yeah- dates?" i looked at each and every one of them.

i love yangyang but i never dated him, i'd rather date jeno, or jaemin, or of course renjun, but not either way donghyuck, i'd never do that.

"yeah dates, mark told us everything." jaemin said.

"ya where's the honorific? i'm one year older afterall!" my brother scolded him.

i glared at him, why'd he say such lie??

"no i was just kidding, i would never allow her to date someone." he said and smiled at them.

"what? oh goodness, at least i knew that the yangyang guy isn't out of his mind, just to think of it, a guy dates this girl, oh that's imposible, or unless that guy has a mental illness or somewhat-"

i never let donghyuck finish that goddamn sentence cause he really got into my nerves, so i whacked him.

"hyung!!" jaemin whined, "why tell us such lie like that??"


i sighed as well and found my eyes staring at the ones who was also staring at me, he smiled and looked down.

"i want this two continue what were they doing out there." donghyuck then smiled like an idiot.

"yeah, talking about that, what were you two doing, huh?"

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