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The next morning Karmen went to her job while Nathan went back to school. The day was slow, but they managed to get it done. One of Karmen’s friends at her job noticed her eyes had changed color and she was a little worried. Karmen told her friend that they were contacts, but that was completely a lie. Karmen moved on with her day until it was over. When she came home she took a soothing bath and just relaxed all of her stress away in the calming room. She called her friend Elizabeth and they talked for at least an hour. They talked about how long it has been since they last saw each other and how time has just flown by. They agreed to go to the movies on Saturday and catch up.

About 30 minutes later, Nathan came home from work and was so happy. He aced his exam and was the only one in his class who aced it. He went to find Karmen and tell her his good news. She couldn’t help but to be excited along with him. She looked at the test and didn’t know a thing on it except that his name was Nathan Jones. She smiled and handed it back to Nathan. He smiled back and stood up to hold his hands around Karmen and kissed her shoulder.

“Okay, now what happened at work today? I usually don’t find you in here unless something stressed you out.”

Karmen told him about her day and Nathan listened carefully; continuing to kiss her shoulder and cheek. She stopped talking and turned to Nathan. She was curious why he stopped all of a sudden to come comfort her. She closed her eyes and read his mind. She smiled and then stood up to face him. She sat him onto the water bed and then sat on his lap. She kissed him and he returned her kiss. He laid down pulling her along with him while he stroked her back. Karmen smiled again and continued kissing him. They stayed in there for the rest of the night.

They continued their routine of going to work and school, then coming home relaxing, then spending the rest of the day in the Calming Room or in the bedroom for about three months.

When Karmen was 5 months pregnant, her stomach looked like a rounded watermelon. Karmen left work for bed rest, but stayed home to do the work instead. She faxed all of her progress to her friend and she turned it in for her. Karmen was still happy she was having the babies and Nathan was too. Even Robert of all people was happy for them. They even figured a perfect name for their babies. They were going to name them Nicole and Jennifer if it was two girls and Kameron and Charlie if it was two boys. They didn’t know the genders but she knew she was going to have twins.

The next month was way more stressful. That was the month of the baby shower. There were so many people at Karmen’s house. There were gifts and decorative bags in every corner. Everyone was having fun and everyone got a chance to rub and feel the babies move in Karmen’s stomach. Nathan was mingling with all of Karmen’s family and Karmen was mingling with his. Their baby shower was awesome.

When the party was over Karmen, Nathan, and Brandy started to clean up. Nathan was taking the gifts upstairs, Brandy was vacuuming and cleaning the floors, and Karmen was taking down the banners and decorations. They worked and worked until the job was done. It took them about 3 hours to finish.

The next two months went by quickly and Karmen was in labor. Nathan and Robert were freaking out but stuck by Karmen’s sides through the whole thing, well almost the whole thing. Robert passed out when the first baby was being born and Nathan passed out when the second baby was being born. They both woke up when they heard a lot of high pitched screeches. Karmen had a boy and a girl. They decided to name them Kameron and Nicole.

The babies were so cute. They had long flowing light brown hair and honey brown eyes. Their cheeks were rosy and their smile was so shockingly stunning. The strange part about their smiles was that they smiled with a full set of teeth. In addition to that, they had mini fangs. Nathan and Karmen did their best to hide their teeth, but their parents continued messing with their cheeks and playing with their mouths. Luckily, they didn’t notice the fangs, but they did notice the teeth.

Unexpected Love (EDITING!)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें