It's a Cycle

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“Good morning. Which one of you is Nathan?”

“I am. What do you need sir?”

“Ah, yes. You were the couple that came here about a month and a half ago. Karmen was pregnant.”

“Oh yeah. I remember you.”

“Is she still pregnant?”


“Okay, that’s good. We are going to run some tests on her, but can you explain what exactly happened?”

Robert told them what he saw and the doctor took notes and then went to go get some special equipment. He came back and checked Karmen’s temperature and her pulse. He drew some blood and Nathan mumbled ‘Oh crap…’ The doctor hooked her up to an oxygen machine and then typed some information in his laptop. He left the room and then a nurse came in the room.

“Do you guys want anything to drink or eat? It may be a long time of waiting.”

“I’ll have some coffee with cream and sugar please. Thank - you.”

“I’ll have the same. Thank – you.”

The nurse came back with the coffee and then she wished them good luck. Robert started to think. He wondered how Karmen got this way. She was fine earlier and then she got sick all of a sudden. He stood up and then went to look at Karmen. He sat on the bed and then put his hand on her forehead. She was burning hot. She was so hot; Robert shook his hand in the air, trying to cool it off.

“What’s wrong?”

“She’s hot!”

“I know.”

“Not that type of hot! Well she is that type of hot, but she is on fire. Her skin is as hot as an oven.”

Nathan walked over and put his hand on her forehead. He burned his hand too. Robert then thought about the doctor that would come in the room at any moment.

“How are we going to cool her down? Why is she so hot? Is this affecting her baby? What the heck is going on?”

“Calm down, Robert. I need to go back to the lab. I need to do some research. Do you think you can manage to stay here with Karmen?”

“Of course.”

“Okay, I’ll be back.”

Robert started to pace until he heard a groan. Karmen was becoming conscious again. Robert sat on the bed, right beside her and smiled. She opened her eyes and then smiled back. She closed her eyes and sighed. She turned her head and opened her eyes again. She didn’t see Nathan in the room. She wanted to say something, but she was too weak to do anything. She could only blink and turn her head but that was about it. Robert put his hand to her face again and she was ice cold. He jumped up and shook his hand again. Karmen looked at him puzzled, but then closed her eyes again and groaned.

“Are you okay? You are ice cold!” All Karmen could do was blink, but she manages to smile at Robert. “I know you are weak, but can you talk?”

Karmen frowned and then tried to speak, but she couldn’t. She looked back at Robert, with sorrow in her eyes.

“Well, okay… I guess I should just do all the talking. You can just respond with facial expressions.”

Karmen smiled and focused on what Robert had to say. Robert started talking about what happened when Nathan was back to normal. He went on about her taking a shower and how she was taking too long. He told her how he went up to check on her, but her pulse was too slow. Then, how he and Nathan took her to the hospital, (not mentioning any part about him dressing her).

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