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The next morning, Karmen woke up empty bedded. She went to the restroom and then took a shower. When she got out of the shower, she saw there were pieces of red on the floor. Karmen couldn’t make out the shapes so she turned the lamp on and she saw that they were rose petals. Karmen put on some “lounging clothes” then went to follow the pathway of rose petals. The path went out of her bedroom, into the hallway, down the stairs, down another hallway and into the kitchen. By that time she smelt the aroma of freshly cooked breakfast.

“Hello sleepyhead! How did you sleep?”

“Fine. I was nice and cozy. I sleep the best when I am cuddling up with my life-sized teddy bear! So, how was your sleep?”

“Great. I also like cuddling up with my life-sized teddy bear. Are you hungry? I finally found your kitchen so I took liberty to fix breakfast.”

“Thank-you. It smells good. What are you cooking?”

“Waffles, eggs, bacon and sausage.”

“Yummy. Thanks for staying with me last night. I really appreciated it. I heard some of the things you said last night.”

“Really, what was I saying? Was I mumbling in my sleep? That’s embarrassing.”

“I don’t know. All I know is I was moving smoothly.”

“Oh, well go on.”

“You said something about needing an elevator in my house. You also said something about having too many stairs in my house.”

“Yeah, I said that when I was carrying you to your room. You really do need an elevator in your house. How many stairs do you have? This is such a big, but beautiful house.”

“Well, I do have an elevator here. It was just down the hall from the front door.”

“Oh well. I needed the exercise. Although you are not heavy what so ever, walking up those stairs is a hassle.”

“Well, you’re welcome take the elevator next time.”

“Are you ready to eat?”


Instead of the ordinary dinning table Karmen had, there was a tablecloth-covered table with candles lit and soft music in the background. The dinning room looked exactly like a brand new restaurant. Karmen smiled and started getting teary eyed. She waited until Nathan set the plates of food down before she ran to kiss him. They were embracing each other for almost five minutes, until they stopped to gaze into each other’s eyes. Nathan calmed Karmen down enough to make her eat her breakfast, but then made her even more excited when he had a surprise for her.

“I have a surprise for you. It is a gift.”

“Really. What is the occasion? I am so sorry, but I cannot accept your gift without me to give you a gift in return.”

“You don’t have to give me a gift. I just want to give you a gift.” Nathan said; sliding the little box to Karmen.

Karmen picked up the box hesitantly and then opened it. The little box held a golden locket that had a ‘K’ made out of diamonds on its front. She opened the locket and saw two pictures. One picture was Nathan and the other was Karmen. She got up from the table and went to go sit on Nathan’s lap. She asked if he could put it on her, and that she would wear it all the time. Once he fastened the latch, Karmen turned around and started kissing him again.

“Thank-you so much. It is so beautiful! What is the occasion? This is so cool. I love it, but not as much as I love you.”

“You’re welcome. Today is the anniversary of the very first day we met each other.”

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