The Doctors Results

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The next morning, Nathan woke up bright and early. Karmen rolled over and noticed that Nathan’s presence wasn’t there, so she immediately woke up shortly after Nathan did.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning. Did you sleep okay? You don’t look so good.”

“Actually, I didn’t. I don’t know why, but I just didn’t. I am so exhausted, but I just can’t go to sleep. My stomach hurts.”

“Try going back to sleep. I am going to go home for a few minutes and get that To-Go bag and a first aid set.”

“I don’t think I am sick, Nathan. Don’t worry so much.”

“It is just in case. I’ll be back.”

“Okay. I’ll be here.”

Karmen lay there lifelessly, but still could not go to sleep. She decided to watch some TV. She watched TV for about ten minutes, but then felt the urge to throw up. She ran to the restroom as quick as possible and threw up in the toilet. She slouched there for a moment until she heard the door open and close. Karmen tried to call Nathan, but she was so drained from throwing up. Instead of talking, she just moaned and Nathan heard it.

“What happened? I told you looked sick.”

“Ugh! My stomach hurts really badly now. Ugh! Hold on…”

Karmen threw up again and Nathan ran to get his first aid set. He got the pain medication and measured it out so Karmen could drink it. Karmen drank it and gave a disgusted look at Nathan.

“What is this crap?!”

“Just drink it. It will help you feel better.”

“I hope so, but why can’t they make medicine taste better?”

“I don’t know.”

“Ugh! Look at me! I look horrible! I feel horrible too.”

 “You look just fine. The medicine must be working. You sound better and you are starting to get color back in your face.”

“Really, I feel so weak. I can throw up any second now…”

Karmen threw up again. This time Nathan went to go get a pillow for Karmen and a thermometer. Karmen’s temperature was a little over average, but still normal.

“I don’t know what could possible be wrong with you, Karmen. I think I am going to have to take you to the hospital. I am going to try to find a plastic bag or even a bucket.”

“Okay.” Karmen said, her face turning a tent to purplish green.

Nathan was running through the house and Karmen just sat there lifelessly. She wanted to help, but she was too weak to even talk. She could feel her cheeks swelling and she sighed. Nathan came back with a bucket and carried Karmen to her car. He drove 95 miles per hour and raced to the hospital. Karmen just stared off into space, but was feeling slightly better that Nathan was taking care of her. She started to doze off, but she knew that won’t be much of a help when he had to get her out of the car.

When they got to the hospital, Nathan bolted out the car to Karmen and carried her through the entrance. He sat her in a chair, and then went to sign her in. They sat there for about five minutes, and then they were called. Karmen went into the room and Nathan was right there holding her hand. About thirty minutes later, the doctor told Nathan that he had to step out for a moment while they do special operations on her, so he did. He started pacing back and forth; worrying about what may be wrong with her, but mostly about what could he do to help her.

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