Chapter 5

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Derek laid on the roof of the house, looking at the bright stars twinkling in the sky. The moon was almost full, and Derek wasn't beginning the feel the pull of the moon like the rest of his pack was. Letting out a long sigh, Derek wondered if Stiles was looking at the same sky he was.

"Derek?" Sitting up, Derek grunted, seeing his younger sister Cora. "Mom wants to know if you're going to eat dinner with the rest of us."

Derek only grunted, laying back on the roof once again, hoping that Cora would understand his answer.

"Well, Deaton is coming after dinner, mom said it was important, and you have to be there. So you better come down soon," Cora commented, Derek heard her jump down onto the balcony below, before letting out a long sigh.

Since the letter from Chase came, Derek hasn't spoken a word to anyone. He's closed himself off more than ever; that was almost a week ago. All Derek can think about is the letter.


I know that I am a horrible person, I do, I know I took the only thing that you've ever truly cared about away; but I promise you that you'll have him back. I won't hurt Stiles. No one will ever understand my reason for taking him and hurting you. It's genuinely a selfish reason, but I'm trying to save another's life, and Stiles is the only person who can help me. After the full moon, I hope to bring Stiles back to you, and if you chose to hurt me as I hurt you when that happens, I wouldn't blame you. I deserve whatever happens to me.


"Trying to save another's life." Derek scoffed, rolling his eyes while recalling what Chase said. "He didn't even dare to tell me if Stiles was okay or not. I could care less about him trying to save someone else."

"You must miss having someone answering you back." Derek shot up, seeing Deaton climbing onto the rooftop to sit next to him.

"Sorry, I lost track of time. I was going to meet you downstairs." Derek sighed, giving Deaton a weak smile.

"It's okay, much nicer out here anyways. It's amazing how big the pack has gotten, a little claustrophobic even." Deaton chuckled.

"Have your contacts found anything about Stiles? Did the letter help at all?" Derek asked. He gave Deaton the letter after reading it, hoping that one of his of Argents' contacts would be able to help track something down.

"Not yet, they're trying an area up in Canada now; there's a rare type of wolfsbane there that some times is in rituals. If Chase is trying to save someone, he could be somewhere out there." Deaton answered. "There's also a team in Alaska, they think they've found something, but they don't want to be too sure. So we aren't rushing into anything."

"Do you think that when Chase said he would bring Stiles back after the full moon, that he meant alive?" Derek weakly asked. Deaton was good at reading people, even if it was just words on a paper.

"From the way, he talked about it; I don't see why he wouldn't bring Stiles back alive, Derek. But we can ever be sure. But you've got a big day on the full moon, so don't overthink it. You need to focus completely on yourself and your wolf. No one else." Deaton said, resting a hand on Derek's shoulder.

"What are we going to try this time?" Derek asked, feeling his heart begin to race.

"I don't want to go into details. You just worry about yourself, understand? You and your wolf, the only things that matter right now." Deaton firmly said.

"I understand." Derek grinned. He was still going to worry about Stiles, but Deaton was right, Derek needed to focus on himself and his wolf, he was running out of time. If he didn't get his wolf back, Stiles wouldn't have anyone to save him or to come home too.

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