Chapter 20

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"Your dear brother is running out of time," Stiles hissed; Emerbly flinched away from the boy she would have liked to call her friend only hours ago.

"He'll make it; you know how ill he was until you saved him. He's still adjusting to being able to control his body," Emberly sighed while watching Stiles draw lines in the ground with a stick. "So, what do those do?" She was scared, and she hoped that making conversation would help calm her nerves and distract Stiles.

"You'll be gone soon, so it doesn't matter," Stiles snapped, continuing his drawing. "They're protection wards; anything that steps into them will be trapped until I break them."

"So like mountain ash?" Emberly asked. She noticed that he was beginning to draw other symbols. "What about those?"

"Mountain ash is nothing compared to protection wards. These other symbols are power symbols; you don't need to know what those are for." Stiles stopped drawing and began collecting flowers from around the area.

"So can you leave and enter the wards as you please, or do they work on you as well?"

"I know what you're doing, girl, and your little plan isn't going to work," Stiles growled. "He's here."

"Stiles!" Boomed into the area as the two Alpha's barged into the room. Chase ran to Emberly's side; she could see the fear in his eyes. The siblings turned to Derek as he marched up to Stiles, eyes burning red and his claws ready.

"There is no more Stiles," The Shepherd cackled. "You must be the mate here to try and save this poor soul-less body."

"I know he's still in there. I know Stiles, and he isn't going to give up that easy," Derek snapped, trying to grab at the Shepherd. The two walked around the room as Derek tried to attack the Shepherd without hurting Stiles.

"Chase, listen to me. You have to push them into that circle. They won't be able to get out of it. We both know what has to happen." Emberly whispered, looking into Chase's worried eyes with her scared ones.

"What if he can't do it?" Chase asked, watching Derek claw at the Shepherd.

"He has too; Derek's a True Alpha. He can do anything. They're mates if he can get to Stiles, then they can remove the Shepherd from Stiles' body together." Emberly could see Derek growing frustrated as Sheperd laughed at him.

"And you're meant to be a True Alpha; you're hardly even a werewolf, just a boy who shouldn't have survived," The Shepherd laughed, forming a ball of light and throwing at Derek. The wolf dodged the ball by the skin of this teeth, feeling the heat of the ball as it passed by him. "You know your grandfather would still be alive if it weren't for you. Your sister wouldn't hate you."

"Don't talk about my family. You know nothing!" Derek shouted lunged at the Shepherd scratching his side. The Shepherd hissed, and his eyes glowed brighter as he formed more balls of light to throw at Derek.

"You are merely a vessel for another soul!" Derek howled in pain as one of the balls of light hit his shoulder.

"Now, Chase!" 

Shepherd [Sterek]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora