Chapter 25

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Derek's vision blurred and cleared quickly, registering his location; they had made it back. Stiles lay on the ground next to him; soon, his body began convulsing, light emanating and becoming an entity on the ground with them. "Stiles, wake up." Derek grabbed his mate's shoulder, carefully shaking it.

Stiles groaned, blinking as his vision cleared, "I wanna throw up." He mutters out. Derek grinned, knowing that this was Stiles speaking to him, but he knew now wasn't the time to engulf his mate; they still had to take down the Shepherd.

Derek lunged for the glowing figure on the ground with them, doing his best to hold it still as it struggled against his hold. "Now, Stiles!" Derek yelled, digging his claws into the monster. Stiles scrambled to his feet, hesitant in his actions. "Close your eyes. You can do this, Stiles."

Stiles took a deep breath, closing his eyes and letting some sort of muscle memory he didn't know he had take over. Stiles gripped tightly onto Shepherd's head; he understood what Jade said about just knowing what to do; though the Shepherd was only made of light currently, there was something to grab onto.

Derek watched as Stiles' eyes began to glow a soft yellow; soon, the markings that Derek had seen before appeared on Stiles' skin again, only now in the same yellow light that his eyes were. Soon the markings began to glow on Derek's skin as well; they stood out against the faint blue glow that the Shepherd held. Derek returned his focus to Stiles, he could see his mate's mouth moving, but no words came from them.

Stiles' slowly moved his right hand across the Shepherd's face pressing his thumb between the Shepherd's eyes, "Shepherd of Old, return to the others and continue to teach and protect. Continue to guild the young and save the old. Return so we do not die, return so we may live on." Stiles' head fell back, and the light of the Shepherd slipped from Derek's arms and began to swirl above them; it cracked like thunder before descending upon Stiles. Derek wanted to lunge forward to catch Stiles, worried that the light would harm him. Stiles' absorbed the light, and as the markings faded, he smiled for a moment, slowly falling over.

Derek caught his mate before he hit the ground, cradling his head as he held the younger male. "Okay, wake up. Please wake up." Derek muttered, pressing their foreheads together. "I just got you back; I can't lose you again." Derek felt like his heart stopped beating as he waited for Stiles to answer. He was ready to scream at the heavens until he felt a hand grab the back of his neck and their lips pressed together in a soft kiss.

"I have been wanting to do that for months." Stiles giggles.

"Never scare me like that again. I don't know what I'd do." Derek grinned, pulling Stiles into a bone-crushing hug. "I am never letting you out of my sight."

Stiles laughed, burying his head in Derek's neck, "Please don't." Tears began streaming down Stiles' cheeks.

They sat there for a moment holding each other, crying, engrossed in each other. "Can we go home?" Stiles whispered, staring into Derek's green eyes.

"Yeah, let's go home." Derek kissed Stiles' forehead before lifting them from the ground, holding Stiles' bridal style. This was the first time they had looked around; they had forgotten where they were and about the people watching them. Derek's rage flared inside.

Carefully he lowered Stiles to his feet, and Chase was locked in Derek's vision. "Der, don't." Stiles held the wolfs arm. "I'm not dropping that forcefield until you stop wanting to rip his throat out with your teeth."

"Stiles, this isn't up for debate," Derek growled.

"Then we are stuck here." Stiles crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at the alpha.

"Stiles, I'm serious; this is between alphas. You don't need to be in this." Derek took a deep breath, trying to calm his anger as he looked at his mate.

"Try me." Stiles threatened.




"You know I can take that alpha power with a snap of my fingers, right? Do you really want to test me at the moment?" Stiles tilted his head with a mischievous grin on his face. Derek glared down at the man having a hard time finding an answer. "I thought so. Now take me home, Derek." The tone in Stiles' voice alone made Derek's mood change instantly.

Derek's growl was deep. "Drop the field, Stiles."

"Your wish is my command," Stiles smirked. With a snap of Stiles' fingers and the forcefield around them was gone, Derek took the chance to march over to Chase before Stiles had the chance to stop him.

"I will deal with you later. Expect my summons." Derek sneered at the smaller alpha.

"Understood," Chase whispered in response.

"Good." Derek left the alpha and returned with a smile to his mate's side. "Let's get you home."

Wouldn't y'all hate me if it ended right there?

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