Chapter 27

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Stiles smiled as he stretched after stepping out of the car, "That drive always kills me." Stood in front of them was the cabin.

Derek came around the car, stepping behind Stiles, and wrapped his arms around his waist. "Kinda weird being back here, isn't it?" Derek traced his nose along Stiles' neck, leaving kitten light kisses every so often.

"Yeah, the last time we were here, you were a wolf, and all I wanted to do was write my book." Stiles chuckled as he shivered from Derek's touch.

"What do you want to do this time? I'm not completely keen on turning into a wolf again purely for your enjoyment. I will have you know." Derek chuckled.

"You," Stiles whispered.

Derek froze for only a second before swiftly lifting Stiles into his arms. "You asked for it."

Stiles giggled. It stopped when a strange feeling washed over him. Stiles wasn't sure if it was the change in his mood or if Derek had the same feeling. "Go inside and lock the door. I'm going to check the place out." Derek muttered, resting Stiles on his feet, having a fight within himself about letting go of Stiles.

"That wasn't a feeling of being watched or followed. Not on the outside." Stiles looked up at Derek's red eyes.

Derek let out a deep sigh. "The Shepherds memory world? I don't know how I feel about you going back there so soon, alone."

"I know how to take you with me, Derek," Stiles rolled his eyes.

"And leave our unconscious bodies out in the open for something to happen?" Derek scoffed. "Not happening. Go inside." Derek's deep growl through his teeth did very little to intimidate Stiles. But he sure did love the sound. "I don't care if that feeling came from the Shepherds. I'm still going to check out the grounds to ensure someone isn't lingering around."

Stiles huffed, glaring at Derek. Derek's Alpha-ness did not affect Stiles; if there was, it was very little. But Stiles knew it was better to listen to Derek than fight with him; he was overprotective. It has been only a week.

Without a word, Stiles walked into the cabin, Derek shifting as he ran into the forest. Looking around, the place was exactly how Stiles had left it when they rushed out months ago. Knowing Derek would be a few minutes, he began cleaning the cabin, throwing out the outdated food, and making a list of the things that needed replacing.

Derek trotted through the door while Stiles was changing the bedding, shoving the old linens in the wash. Stiles' breath hitched seeing Derek stand before him, the back of the couch the only thing keeping Stiles from taking in every inch of Derek and throwing himself at the Alpha. His memory seemed to have served him wrong as his eyes traced the lines of Derek's body because it was far better than Stiles remembered.

"You keep looking at me like that, and I won't keep myself from finishing the mating bond," Derek's lips twisted into a wicked smirk.

Stiles rolled his eyes at the mention of the body they had yet to complete. That was purely due to the fact that it had to be a massive event. Sort of. The mates could refuse the extravagant event, choosing to elope basically. However, because Derek's family was such an old bloodline, it didn't leave them much choice in the matter.

Scoffing, Stiles went back to his house cleaning as Derek's mood faltered at the mention. They had to wait for at least two moons before the ceremony. Again due to the fact of having an old bloodline –Derek's extended family was spread across the world, Talia was making calls daily. They also had to have each of the Alphas from the packs with whom the Hales had alliances in attendance to show good faith. It had also gotten around that Stiles was a Shepherd, bringing even more people from the supernatural world. To Stiles, it was beginning to sound like there would be thousands of people at what would basically be his wedding.

"So, was everything clear?" Stiles asked as they both awkwardly floated back into the small living room.

"Hasn't been a soul around in weeks or months. Mom handled the pack that was in the territory. A lot of housekeeping was done while looking for you. Derek settled on the couch.

"At least something good came from all of those months." Stiles leaned against the wall. His body felt heavy. They both held the same words on the tips of their tongues.

"Eloping sounds amazing right now." They muttered, catching each other's gaze. They shared a smile as Stiles moved to join Derek on the couch. He curled into his mates' side.

"We'd never be able to show our faces again. My mother would probably have our heads." Derek chuckled. He feared his mother more than anything else, but he laughed, thinking about the look on her face if they eloped.

"Probably. But, it's not every day that the True Alpha son of Talia Hale finds his mate, who happens to be one of the long-lost Shepherds." Stiles let the sarcasm flood through his words.

"Sadly, no, it is. We, of course, have to be made into entertainment for the masses. I heard my mother muttering somewhere close to two-hundred Hales from across the world were already beginning their travels for the ceremony. She isn't even at the bottom of her list. Let's not forget about the minimum of ten Alphas showing up. Bringing members of their packs, emissaries, druids, and I've lost track." Derek groans, throwing his head back.

"At least we'll have each other to get through it." Stiles smiled, pressing a kiss to Derek's neck.

"Until a week before. When I'm meant to go out with the males of the pack for one last 'wild' hoorah." Derek nearly dragged Stiles into a broom closet and completed the bond after his father and Peter told him about it. Years ago, it might have been a 'wild' week, but Derek told his family that if it were going to happen, they would be camping at best. He was not going to risk Stiles' heart for some stupid tradition, not when Stiles didn't grow up with the same upbringing.

"Don't remind me. Erica and Cora are already planning my week of hell. I'm lucky that they said Scott could come. I would have lost my mind without some anchor."

"I come so much closer to saying fuck it and taking you right here on this couch the more we talk about it," Derek growled.

"I have no objection, but I'd like to keep my head and stay alive for a minimum of fifty more years." Stiles giggled.


"We should probably figure out what that feeling was, shouldn't we?" Stiles sighed, knowing the subject change wasn't the greatest nor what they wanted it to be, but they couldn't put it off any longer.

Would everyone be interested in playlists for my stories? I'd be happy to make them and link my Spotify if there's interest. I'd do set playlists for each series because I know many of the same songs I listen to writing each book of a series.

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