Chapter 26

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Derek sat in the corner of the Hale living room, glaring at everyone and everything. He brought Stiles home almost a week ago, and they've hardly seen each other, let alone had a moment to themselves. Though, realistically Stiles was reasonably well taken care of in his time with the Valentine pack; Deaton and Melissa, along with Derek's mother and Stiles' parents, insisted Stiles spend a day or so in the hospital. Part of their reasoning was undoubtedly due to the Shepherd taking over Stiles' body.

Stiles spent twenty-four hours in the hospital before being discharged, but that didn't stop the daily, twelve-hour-long visits to Deaton's, which Derek wasn't allowed to be at because he now had Alpha duties to begin learning to take over. You'd think they might get to spend a night together, right? No, Derek wasn't as upset about it because Stiles was staying with his parents, who missed him as much as Derek had. He had to be fair.

It was now Saturday, and Derek made sure that all of his Alpha duties were taken care of and that he would have the whole weekend off; he also made sure that Stiles was cleared to be away from everyone; Derek was not going to go another day without getting to spend time with Stiles. This is why Derek is a sourwolf in the living room corner, waiting for everyone to stop being overbearing over his mate. They should have left two hours ago.

"Why the glum face, nephew?" Peter's snake-like voice broke Derek from the glare he was burning into the back of his sister's head.

"Don't test me right now, Peter," Derek growled, knowing his eyes were burning red.

"Upset you aren't snuggled up with your mate right now? I'll happily help you with that if you'd like," Peter smirked.

Derek tensed, glancing at Peter, and he sighed, "I should know better by now shouldn't I?" Derek knew his uncle too well, but they were also best friends, let alone family. Peter did know Derek almost better than anyone.

"Yes, you should," Peter grinned, walking towards Stiles. Derek smiled to himself, knowing exactly what Peter would do; he would sadly have to thank him later. "Stiles! I seem to be the only one who hasn't told you how happy I am to see you home safe." Peter slung his arm around Stiles' shoulders, and the boy flinched, not happy with human contact that he didn't instigate himself still. Unless it was Derek, Stiles never minded Derek's touch.

Derek glanced away as Stiles weakly smiled at Peter and looked over his shoulder, catching Derek as he looked back at the situation. 'Help.' Stiles mouthed. Derek jumped from his seat, strutting over to his mate and pushing his uncle away. "I think that's enough." Derek gritted his teeth, sending a light glare at Peter. Peter smirked and gave Derek a wink in return. "We should be going; it's a long drive." Derek wrapped his arm around Stiles' waist, maneuvering him through the crowd of people and out of the front door; he didn't stop until Stiles was sitting in the passenger seat of Derek's car and buckled in.

Stiles let out a breath; he didn't know that he was holding in until they were halfway down the driveway. "I thought we'd never get out of there." He breathed out, leaning his head back.

"Neither did I. I can't wait for Peter to call in his favor." Derek chuckled, grabbing Stiles' hand; he smiled, bringing it to his lips and pressing a kiss to the back of it.

"Favor? You're saying that was– You sly dogs." Stiles giggles.

"We were never going to leave! I couldn't exactly pull you out of there before without seaming like an ass."

"Whatever you say, Sourwolf. I'm just happy to be out of there." Stiles smiled, leaning over the center console and pressing a kiss to Derek's cheek.

"I hate that nickname, you know," Derek grumbled but savored the feeling of Stiles' lips against his skin.

"I know, but you're cute when you're grumpy." The look in Stiles' eyes told Derek that he meant more than that.

"Hold that thought for a little while longer, okay? I promise to make it worth your while."

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