Chapter 13: a prisoner of war... well garden trampling

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A/n thanks for waiting this is dedicated to lilzer72

//My pov\\

So I have been at notches home in the sky for 2 months now and Lewis and co are starting to worry. But I have a plan! You see dad (Notch) said that I can do anything BUT trample his garden and if I do he will punish me. So gess what I'm going to do... trample it so I go to ridges prison,  get saved by the small bearded one (Simon) and then annoy Notch. Now to prepare.

//10 minutes later\\

Ok so I need to watch out for traps. Ok so your probably confused but me and dad are having a prank war :D. 

//half an hour of avoding traps\\

Ok I'm at the garden.... now were to start... Oh I know the damulips (a cross between dandelions and tulips). "Stamp, stamp stamp goes the pranking princess.  Prank, stamp, stamp is my way! STAMPIDY STAMPIDY STAMPIDY STAMP!" by the end I was yelling and had destroyed half the garden.  Yes I'm going to fix it after don't worry.

Suddenly,  dad ran out to the garden and stared screaming at me "You idiot girl, I told you never to stamp on them! They were your mothers favorite,  you idiot your no child of mine!"  Oh my notch.... wait that doesn't work brain.... oh ma cow.... yep that works....

///notches pov\\

After I screamed at her my rage was completely gone. She stood there slightly dases like she was arguing with her self. Then a single tear fell down her cheek. No she never crys ever. Sh*t um.

//my pov\\

As the tear falls down my cheek he freezes.  Then he runs over to me and grabs me in his hands and pulls me to his chest.  Lifting my hand slightly I make the garden re-grow behind us. Now by this time dad still hasn't let go. Yay! Shaking him slightly I move away with a smile and stand behind him. Dad turns around and gasps. Yep I shocked him again. Slowly I start to laugh and empty laugh .. even if this is a joke his words still hurt me. "This..was a pranks?" He says "oh my god I'm so sorry darling I was so shocked and angry partly due to another one of your pranks, I didn't mean what I said before" he said truthfully. Smiling I hug him as he starts laughing at him self. I'm soooo glad he cam take a joke.

"Soooo why did you prank me?" Dad asks once he recovers.  Ok so now for the hard bit. "Well... ithoughtofawayyoucanhelpbutasyourabadlierandwouldhavetotellridge whyimthereineededyoutobealetotellthehalftruthsoiprankedyou." I said realy quickly.  "What?" Dad asked looking in my eyes. "Well I thought of a way you could help me, but it would involve you lying, and your bad at lying to ridge so in order for you to be able to tell the truth, well half of it, I pranked you."

Dad took a minute to register what I ment before nodding and turning to look at me "wait what does ridge have to do with this?"

"Well what I whant you to do is take me to ridge and tell him I have cause you a lot of trouble and need to be locked up for a while in his prison,  then send honeydrew aka simon a dream showing me being tortured there and he the others will come to save me, but the night before I will "escape", and a day later I'll apear at sipsco and confuse them by not knowing what they are talking about!" I say hoping he will agree.

Dad stands there a minute before nodding "ok as long as once this is over you will not tell anyone about the prank war you pulled on my little prankster princess"
A/N hi guys long time no update hu? Well I have been very busy as of late so sorry I hope this longish one makes up for it. So I'm goimg to update at random times now because 2 times a week was to much and I couldn't fit it around school work, my extra gcse I'm doing early, familyand a few emotional problems. Anyway thanks to lilzer72 for convincing , e with her nice comments to update. *gives lilzer a hug and cookie*. Also remember to comment to have a chance of having a chapter dedicated to you!

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