chapter 6: meet and apologies????

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//My POV\\

Waking up from a good night sleep I heard voices besides me. So that's what woke me up! "Toby we can't leave a defenceless girl in the woods" one voice said. "Well your carrying her Martin" replyed the other. Ahhhh so its the sapling prince and jungle king. "You know" I said "you should be more quite around a sleeping person" I got up and stretched.  Then I turned round at looked at the now red faces. "Hello who are you?" I asked eventhough I knew. "Martin" replyed Martin. "Toby" replyed Toby. "Lynette is my name but don't tell Lewis that!" I said grinning happly. "Why?" asked Toby. Chuckling I told them what happened yesterday.  "Anyway, were am I " I asked looking around at the camp. "InTheLittleCorp" replyed Martin.  "Would you like a tour" he asked. I nodded.

//Time skip...Tours are boring\\

"Well this is realy nice" I said to Toby and Martin smiling. "Thanks!" they replyed in sinc. They stared at eachother before a tree brach came and picked up Toby. "What on earth" I shouted eventhough I knew. "Um well... I can control the trees and plants" Martin said. "COOL!!" I shouted "try me" I asked more carmly. Martin smiled before he made a tree pick me up and hold me upside down. "Thats weird it was hesitant" said Martin. Then Simon, Duncan and Lewis came in to the camp. "That's probably because she has someone waching out for her" said Lewis holding his bandaged wrist.  Wimp! "Hi" I shouted to Simon and Duncan before turning to Lewis . Then I couldn't hold it in I mimicked the face he made yesterday when he was angry and burst out laughing.  Simon and Duncan quickly joined me. Martin and Toby just smiled at the sight before them.

//3 minutes later\\

Once me and the others had stoped laughing I made Martin release me and walked over to Lewis. Picking up his arm in removed the bandages. I looked at I closely and then walked over to a chest and grabed a magma cream, rose, leaves, and slimb ball. I mashed them togethers and applied them to his cut and re-rapped it. I may of cut deeper then I thought. "There just keep it clean for today" I said to him. They all stared at me in shock. Lewis spoke up first. "Why are you being so nice to me when I was so horrid yesterday?" he questioned starring at me. I smiled at him kindly before replying "Because dear Lewis, I made a laghting stock out of you yesterday so you had all rights to punish me!" I said grinning.  Lewis considered me for a second.  "Go on Lewis" said the others smiling at him. "Ok, girl but can you Please tell me your name" he said. I conceded this for a moment. I walked closer to him. "well okkkkkkkkkkkkk....... NOT! I said snaching his hat of his head and running away.Lewis looked shocked as the others laughed at him. "You little minks" he screamed at me before trying, and failing, to cach me.

//10 minutes later\\

Now lewis was sitting on the ground while I was running circles around him. The others were laghting at me and Lewis . Then Martin got  a evil smirk on his face and I sore a tree brach comeing towards me. I stoped it and then made it pick up Lewis. By now Martin looked sooooo confused.  "You ok Martin?" I asked him turning to face me. "Yer...." he replyed. Then I heared a evil laght from above......
-hi so what's gonna happen next? find out next time!

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