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My names is... well I don't know my name. I spawned in this world just like lots of other people. They spawned 23 years ago ,I think, they all became friends at spawn. Makes sense.  But I'm..Alone. I only spawned 12 years ago. With a cloak with a seemingly random greens and brows and blacks on it. It blends in with were I live very much. Hmmm mabe I should tell you about myself. I have very, strange eyes. One is half blue and half red. The other is half grey half green. I think they represent the elements. Wich is convenient as I can control the elements as well as fly, spawn things from thin air, turn into animals and other things I'm still finding out. Any way back to me. I have black hair with natural purple highlights. Don't ask. I also have very pale skin that never tans nor burns. My clothes are pretty normal. tops and trousers with my cloak on top.

Now for my talents. Theres my powers as I have said. I also can shot a bow with compleat accuracy and very very fast. I can through knives and block swords with them. I can jump from tree to tree without making a sound and move without making a sound.

So yer that's to decided a name

A/N hi so competition alread make an strange name for her! Also I had to re write this :-[ anyway thanks for reading.

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