chapter 4: 2 friends 1 foe

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//My POV\\

Splash! I fell into the hot tub from the roof above (don't ask).Well the warters warm, that's... good? Well lets swim up to the curious and annoyed players above now then.

Swimming up to the top I was greated by two questioning looks from Simon and Duncan as well as a VERY angry look from Lewis. 

"errr hi?" I questioned faceing simon so I didn't have to look at Lewis.

"Hi person who I don't know." replyed Simon smiling slightly.  Then I felt someone grab me by the coller of my top . Twisting round is  said "Hi!" to Lewis befor he droped me in the warter.

//Lewis POV\\

I can't believe her cheek. I mean she judt appeared out of no wear and fell in at pool.

"Who are you?" I questioned trying to keep my anger down.. and failing. She considered this question for a moment. "Why?" She asked looking inoccent at me . "What's your name!" I repeated my anger showing clearly. She just looked at me. By this time Simon and Duncan were laughing very hard. "FOR THE LAST TIME WHAT IS YOUR NAME!!!??" I shouted at her. Yet she was unfazed by it. "Why?" She questioned again looking at me angelicly. Then I snapped.  Shoving her under water I screamed "What is your name you idiot!" Then Duncan and Simon started screaming at me to stop.

//MY POV\\

It was so funny winding him up.. untill he shoved me under water. I mean I can't drown but I had to act like it. I heared Simon and Duncan shouting for Lewis to bring me up. So I smiled and let him pull my body out. "What's your name" he questioned again. I just grinned.  "Fine!"he shouted at me and staeted to drag me to the hole. Then he flew down to the freezer level and traped me in a cadge. "Bye!"I said cheerfully to Lewis as flew out and Duncan and Simon came in. "Are you ok?" Simon questioned. I smiled and nodded.  Duncan look at my grinning face and started laughing again. Quickly followed by Simon and them me. "Did you see his face ?" I got out between laughs.  They nodded and carried on laughing. 

4 minutes later they stopped.  "You do know he will not let you out till you say your name. I nodded again brushing of the ice forming on my wet clothes. As if noticing it for the first time Simon said"Your going to freeze in here." I stared at him and said " No offence but isn't that the point of a freezer room?"Duncan rolled his eyes at my remark before looking round for a blanket. "Don't bother I'm not cold " I said. They stared at me with questioning looks. "I lived in a snow biom before this(lies!)" I stated. They nodded. "Any way" I said sitting up "What are your names" I asked eventhough I already knew them. "Simon" Simon replied and duncan said " Duncan or dunc". I nodded and said  "Lynette". They looked confused.  I rolled my eyes "My name is Lynette" I stated laying down in a ball. "Now," I said looking out the window, " if you don't mind I whant to sleep."

A/N Hi guys and girls another chapter! Epic Emerald Element you can't complain now! Hope you enjoyed. What Will happen next? Will she tell Lewis her name? Will she runaway? Will she make fun of Lewis? Will she do none of the above? Will she do all of the above? FIND OUT NEXT TIME IN CHAPTER 5!

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