The bird song (Prinxiety)

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//Trigger warnings!! Injury, major character death, blood, animal death. If there are anymore please let me know.

              Also, sorry about the lack of updates!! I will have more out soon. My phone has just been not working and I need to get it fixed. So, my apologies about that.//

*No one's pov*

Roman sat at his desk, staring out his window mindlessly. This was how he's been acting since Janus had revealed his name two days ago. Since Thomas had lied to him. He wasn't Thomas' hero. No, he was just a waste of space, wasn't he? He turned to look at his door, laughter floated through it and the lights danced, illuminating his dark room with bright color.

They would rather have Remus as Creativity than him wouldn't they? Remus was always better than him, always the one that got the most love out of the two. Roman took a deep breath, smelling the sent of freshly baked cookies from Patton. A sob fought it's way out if his throat as he looks back at the window.

This time there was a bird there. A beautiful bird, it being mainly white with red twinges on the ends of its feathers. It's eyes a striking blue color. Roman froze and stared at the bird in fascination and listened as it started to sing. To him it sounded like it was talking almost, telling him all the wrongs he did, all the times he hurt the people he loves. He covers his ears and tries to tune it out, putting headphones on so he didn't have to listen.

~A few days later~

The bird was still there, sitting outside Roman's window. Each day the bird got louder and louder and louder. Roman was surprised the others hadn't told him to shut up yet. But he was growing tired of hearing all the wrong things he had done from this stupid little bird. Taking in a deep breath, he lets the bird into his room.

The air from outside blowing his red curtains around as the bird flew in and landed on his desk. It kept singing out all the wrong things Roman had done. His hair sways and falls into his eyes because of the wind. He pulls his chair out and sits down, folding his hands and looking at the bird. "Hey, can you stop? Please? I know I've done wrong....I know I've changed for the worst but you don't have to constantly tell me about it!!" Roman slams his fist onto his desk. "I promise I won't do it again......" The bird tilted it's head and took off flying around his room, singing louder and louder.

Roman couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed a box and trapped the bird under it. "Shut up, shut up!!!" The bird kept going, kept singing. Roman tossed the box aside and grabed the bird, holding it in his hands for a second before snapping its neck and dropping it to the ground. He stared at it in shock for a second before he shuts his eyes and falls to the floor.

~A day later~

It was around 1 am when Roman jolted up in his bed. The bird. It was back, but where? Roman slung his legs over the side of his bed and walks over to his mirror to look at himself. The singing of the bird getting a bit louder. He saw how he looked, the messed up clothes, the messed up hair, the bags under his eyes.

Roman got a flash of anger and punched his mirror, the glass falling to the floor. His reflection scattered across the broken pieces of the mirror. Blood dripped down his hand as he took a step back and grabs his ears. He opened his mouth to scream, shout, make any sort of noise but nothing would come out. Roman fell to his knees and shook his head when he stood up and pulled out his sword, swinging it around. His mind screaming, telling him to make it stop.

"Make the bird stop." Roman's mind screamed at him. He kept trying to shout, yell, but nothing. That's when he realised it. The wasn't real. He was the bird. His mind was telling him to make himself stop. Roman fell down, plunging his sword into his floor. Tears rolled down his cheeks and fell to the ground, mixing with the glass and his blood.

It had been a few minutes before Roman stood up and pulled his sword out of the ground. He's had enough of this. "I'm sorry....I'm sorry I wasn't good enough for you...sorry I couldn't be a good son....sorry I couldn't be smart enough....sorry I wasn't a good brother....sorry I made fun of you and called you names....and I'm sorry for never letting you know how I felt. Thomas...Patton...Logan...Remus...Janus...and Virgil.... storm cloud. My love. I'm sorry..."

Roman lifted his sword up and plunged it into his chest, gasping out in pain as he pulled it back out. He watched as the blood, his blood, stained his sword and dripped onto the floor. His vision started to swirl and spin before he felt himself fall onto his floor. Roman smiled a bit as he watches darkness cloud over his vision. The bird was finally gone, now everyone could be happy.

Virgil was sitting with Patton, tapping anxiously on the table. "Patton...I haven't seen Roman in a while. Have you talked to him?"

Patton smiles and pats Virgil's shoulder. "I'm sure he's alright, kiddo. I just talked to him yesterday. Although he didn't open his door. He claimed that he was doing his work."

Virgil nods and stands up. "I'm going to check on him really quick though." He pulls his jacket around him more as he walks up the stairs to Roman's room. Virgil stops outside of his door and knocks. "Princy?" He waited a few seconds. No answer so he knocked again. "Roman?" Still no answer which was odd for the princely trait.

Turning the door handle, Virgil was surprised to see that it was open. Virgil pushes the door open and furrows his eyebrows as he walks in. The room was dark and freezing cold. A gust of wind startled him. "Princy?" He feels around for a light switch, finding it after a moment.

Flipping the light switch on, Virgil covered his eyes, hissing a bit from how bright it was. He lets his eyes adjust and stops dead in his tracks. His eyes were looking at the floor, red liquid pooled around his feet. Virgil slowly looks up a bit and gasps, a scream leaving his throat.

He ran over to where Roman lay dead. "Roman?!?! Ro?!?! Roman, don't do this!!!" Tears were falling down his face as he shakes violently, pulling Roman into his lap. ", no, no...." There we're loud footsteps and voices before everything went silent.

Patton and Logan stood at the door. Terror was written across both of their faces. Logan took a small step forward towards Virgil. Patton gagged and looked away as he leans against the wall, tears running down his cheeks. Virgil didn't look up from Roman, the tears falling non-stop.

~A week later~

It was pouring rain, making the ground wet. The only sound being the rain hitting the umbrellas. All the sides and Thomas were at Roman's funeral. Remus had taken total control over Creativity at this point so Thomas wouldn't be affected as much.

Patton was crying as he held onto Logan. Janus holding onto Remus to try and calm him down. The two who had taken Roman's death the worst we're Virgil and Remus. It had been a few minutes before Virgil walks over to the coffin, placing one of his hands on it.

     He takes in a deep breath, using his other hand to wipe away his tears. " stupid idiot....I loved you..." Virgil drops his head and smiles sadly, tears still rolling down his cheeks. "I loved you so much....."

      After everyone had said their goodbyes, the coffin got placed in the ground and covered up. The rain had dulled down to a slow drizzle and thunder rolled across the sky. It smelled of dirt and the fresh rain as the sides made their way back to the house. Thomas bid a goodnight to the sides before he left. Patton and Logan going to Patton's room to go to bed. Janus and Remus going to Remus' room.

      Virgil dragged himself to his room, opening his window to let the smell of the rain into his room. He sat down on the window sill, sniffling and frantically wiping at his eyes. A sigh left his throat before he stops. There was a soft tweeting outside of his window. When he turned around there was a bird. It's eyes a stunning blue with red twinges at the end of it's beautiful white feathers.

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