Hold me. (logicality)

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   *Patton's pov*

       "Bye Virgil." I waved happily as Virgil took his hand off my shoulder and walked out the door. Where Virgil's hand had been left a burning sensation. A sigh left my lips as the feeling cooled down. Everyone left the house, so, I was alone. Logan went to the store and Roman had a date with Virgil. Slowly, I stood up and walked up the stairs. When I had gotten to my room I collapsed onto my bed. My stomach growled at me and I grabbed a small snack from the drawer of my bedside table. I knew that eating wouldn't really help but it would make the pain go away for a minute or two. I felt like I was going to pass out and laid down on my bed.

           \\Le time skip because I am very lazy right now.//

       I don't know how long it had been but I had woken up drenched in sweat. My head hurt really bad as I stood up and stumbled out of my room. "I need to go to Logan's room, he might help." Looking around, I don't see anyone so I walk over to Logan's door and knock on it. No response. I knock again and still no response. "Maybe he's still at the store? How long was I asleep for? I should go lay down again before this gets worse..." Walking back to my room I collapsed next to my door and sigh, too worn out to try and get into my room. I feel dizzy again and end up just falling asleep against the wall.

        *Logan's pov*

        I had gotten back from the store a while ago and didn't see any sign of Patton. "Maybe he's in his room?" After setting the groceries on the counter, I walk upstairs to Patton's room and knock on the door. I don't get a response which is weird, so I open the door and see Patton asleep on his bed. Smiling softly, I walk over to him and give him a soft kiss on the forehead before pulling his blanket around him more. "Sleep well, Patt..." He doesn't know it but, I may or may not have a 'crush', as most people call it, on him. I sigh softly and walk out of his room, shutting off the light and closing the door behind me. Thinking about what I should do next, I decide the best thing to do would be to take a nap since I haven't slept in a while. Walking into my room, I put on my unicorn onesie and lay down, slowly drifting off to sleep.

         //Le time skip to a few hours later.//

      I wake up to a knock at my door. Sitting up and rubbing my eyes, I try to find my glasses. By the time I do the knocking has stopped. Getting curious about who exactly was knocking at my door, I walk out of my room in my onesie. I look around and shrug, not seeing anyone. Sighing softly, I decide to check on Patton again. Making my way down the hall to his room, I see him curled up by his door, asleep. He doesn't look to good, he was paler than usual and thinner than the last time I saw him which was only a few hours ago. "Patton?" I crouch down and gently shake him but he doesn't wake up. "Hey, Patton?" He wakes up slightly and looks at me, a small forced smile on his face.
         "Hey, Logan!! What are you doing?" Patton tries to get up but falls onto me, causing us to fall over. He gasps and gets off of me, shivering and sitting against the wall again. I sit up and look at him. He has some of the color back in his face and doesn't look as skinny as before, but it was barely noticeable. Something clicks in my mind as my eyes widen.
        "Oh my Crofters, Patton!! I know what's wrong with you!!" Patton flinches and laughs awkwardly.
         "What do you mean something's wrong with me." I move over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. He flinched but doesn't move away. Patton lets out a sigh and looks at me as more color returned to his face.
         "You're touch starved aren't you? I've read about cases like this!! It's very uncommon and very deadly at some points. Why didn't you tell me?" Patton looks away and figits with his hands.
          "I didn't tell you because I though that I would just be a burden on you guys. You all already have so much to worry about and I didn't want you to worry about me." I pull him into a hug and he practically melts in my arms. My face heats up as he wraps his arms around me and nuzzles into my chest.
         "Patton, you'll never be a burden to any of us. If you ever need anything you can always come to me you know? I love you so much so I-..." I cut myself off realizing what I had said as my face heats up more. Patton pulls away from me and, I swear on Crofters, his reaction made me fall in love with him more. His mouth was hanging open slightly as a rosy hue spread across his cheeks and nose, showing his freckles more, and his eyes were wide and sparkling with child-like joy.
       "Logan....y-you love me?!?!" I look away, embarrassed as I nod.
       "Ye-yeah...I didn't mean to say that ou-...mffh!!" Patton cuts me off by hugging me tightly before kissing my lips softly. I kiss him back and wrap my arms around his waist as he puts his arms around my neck. He pulls away and looks at me, his face a deep shade of red.
         "I love you too, Logie bear..." I smile brightly, decently sure that my face is also bright red.
          "Well then, do you want to cuddle and watch movies? The cuddles will help you greatly." Patton nods and kisses my cheek with a giggle and cuddles up to my chest again. I smile and carry him to my room.
         When we're there I lay him on the bed and turn on Disney movies before cuddling up to him, both of us eventually falling asleep contently while holding onto each other.

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