(Intrological) crush

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//Tw: Passing out, shoving, harsh words.

Let me know if I missed any

    Remus was laying on his bed, staring at his stained grey ceiling. Janus had kicked him out of the living room for breaking one of the chairs they had set up.

    Its not like he could help it! The chair just wasn't strong enough.

    The ceiling soon got boring so he thought for a moment, smirking as he got an idea. He could go bother the light sides.

    Jumping up quickly, cracking his knuckles, he grabs his mace and sinks out to Roman's room first. His main plan was to mess with the prince as a little pay back from when Roman hit him. Sure, it was an accident but it still hurt.

    At the memory, Remus frowned and rubbed his head before he finally sees that Roman isn't in his room. He waits a few moments before venturing out into the common room, peering around a corner, his mace in hand.

    No one was there. Remus quickly looks around the rest of the light sides house, not finding a single soul.

    He pouts, flopping onto their couch before he gets another idea.

    If all the light sides are gone, he could snoop through Logan's room!!

    With that new plan in mind, he creeps his way over to the dark blue door that is plastered with space stickers thanks to Patton.

    Remus can't hold in his small giggle as he opens the door, turning around as he walks in so he could shut the door quietly.

    What he wasn't expecting to find as soon as he turned around was an upset Logan.

    Logan's arms were crossed over his chest, a slightly annoyed look in his eyes as he stares Remus down.

    Neither of them said a word for what seemed like hours, both staring at each other.

    Remus slowly backs up, opening the door again. "Uhm.... byeee!!" He tries to make a break for it but Logan manages to grab him by the back of his shirt.

    "What were you doing in here?" He spins him around, shutting the door. While shutting the door, he had to lean past Remus.

    Remus took that small moment to take in Logan's sent. A normal thing for him. Oddly enough, Remus noticed that Logan smelled different.

    He grabs Logan's tie as he tries to move back, sniffing him again.

    Logan made a noise of distress and tried to push him away, but wasn't able to.

    At this point, Remus found out what the strange smell was. It was a different cologne. He remembers a conversation that he had easdropped on between Logan and Roman a few weeks ago.

    Logan was asking Roman something, what he was asking Remus didn't know because he had come in a bit late to the conversation. What he did catch was Roman handing Logan the cologne and telling him,

    "Wear this. It'll guarantee him saying yes to you. Now, I have to get back to planning my date."

     Remus lets him go, humming softly, his mind reeling with questions and thoughts. He noticed that he did feel a bit light headed by the smell. "Ya goin' ta ask someone out? That's the cologne Ro gave you isn' it?"

    Logan's face was flushed as he hurried to fix his outfit. "Yes." He just left it there and didn't specify what the yes was to but Remus knew.

    "So? Who's the lucky guy?" He wiggles his eyebrows, giggling. Remus felt even more weird now. Almost like he was drunk.

    "None of your business. Now you should leave." He tries to push him out of the room but Remus ends up collapsing into his arms. Logan at first thought it was a joke since he was snoring but after several attempts to wake him up he realized it wasn't.

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