(PYOS) Something

48 2 1

//triggers: mention of break up. Nothing much really-

As he stared down at the screen he couldn't help the tears that welled in his eyes.

A manipulator-

That's what he called him...

He didn't know why it hurt so much...

He was just trying to help-

To fix his mistake-

But no, it was all too late now.

There was nothing left that he could do.

He had left him.

He said that they couldn't be together anymore after this.

But the poor boy had no idea what he had done wrong.

All he knew is that he was alone with his thoughts.

Shutting off the phone, he sets it to the side before curling up into the bed, pulling the covers over him.

That night he cried himself to sleep, knowing that he had messed up again and this time it couldn't be fixed...

Sanders Sides one shots (Requests open)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz