Chapter 1 - Birthday

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Lucy's POV

I woke up early about 5:00am and I was so excited for this day to come that I couldn't even sleep 'cause today is my birthday! Also, Natsu and Happy aren't here! I wish this day would never end!

I got out of bed and do my usual morning routine: Take a bath, do my face and hair, cook breakfast and eat them. I grab my clothes and go to the bathroom. I lock the door making sure no one would see me naked.

I turned on the water to a very warm temperature, I removed my clothes and turn off the water, I put on my favorite liquid soap 'Vanilla and strawberrys' and hop in in the tub. I finished bathing and wrap myself in a towel then do my face and hair.

I wore my usual clothes and put my hair in a side pony.

I cooked pancakes. I finished eating then I leave my apartment.

I was walking to the guild with Plue in my hands while balancing at the edge of the river "Becareful Lucy-sama or you'll fall!" I heard the boatman say "I won't!" I aswered back.

(Timeskip: At the guild)

I'm at the guild doors, i closed Plue's gate and thanked him for accompanying me, I then open the guild doors, I was suprised the lights are off and everything was quiet, i thought nobody was here.

I turned on the lights "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUCY!" The whole guild shouted to me. Then they started clapping, I smiled at them and thanked them, then they started partying like crazy animals and that there was no tomorrow.

I go straight to the bar "Happy birthday Lucy!" Mira said to me
"Thank you Mira!" I answered back
"Lucy! Since today is your birthday you can have anything you want!"
"Thanks again Mira! You're the best! Then I want one strawberry milkshake please!"
"Okay! One strawberry milkshake to go!"

While Mira is making my milkshake I take a look around the guild, then I saw everybody still partying, apart from that I saw Cana drinking 5 barrels of whine, Erza having 3 boxes of her favorite strawberry cake, Levy-chan reading 8 books with the help of her reading glasses, Gajeel on the other side of the bar eating 6 pieces of big metal, Juvia flirting and clinging on Gray's arm too much like a yandere girl. I still can't believe that this is my home and family.

I heard someone calling my name "cy....ucy.....LUCY!!!" I fall down my chair. I got up and sat on my chair. I saw Mira with a smile on her face and my milkshake .
"My my Lucy you've been spacing out. Is there something bothering you?" Mira questioned me

"Sorry Mira I'm just thinking that the guild is more lively today." I asked Mira

"Hehe, the guild is always lively Lucy." Mira said and I just smiled, she handed me my milkshake and continued cleaning dirty glasses and serving some more drinks.

I was drinking my milkshake and noticed that Natsu and Happy aren't still here so I go to Levy-chan, when I got there I saw Gajeel sleeping on Levy-chan's lap! 'They're so cute together!!!' I thought.
"Hi Levy-chan!"
"Hi Lu-chan! Happy birthday!"
"Thanks Levy-chan! Have you seen Natsu and Happy?"
"No, they didn't even entered the guild yet."
"Oh, okay, thanks Levy-chan!"

(Timeskip: Night - 8:00pm)

It was already night and still no sign of Natsu and Happy. Maybe they're on a mission. And they didn't even brought me along! Jeez, and on my birthday too! I'll just kick their face in the morning, I'm too tired right now from all the partying. Well, time to go to sleep! I was on my way to my bed when I saw something exploded from outside my window.


Sorry if my story is short and had really bad grammars... I promise I'll get better!
Me: Happy!
Happy: Aye?
Me: Please do the disclaimer!
Happy: Aye Sir! Author-chan does not own Fairy tail, Hiro Mashima does!!!
Me: I'm not a guy! (Shooting glares at Happy)
Happy: (Trembling) I mean, Aye Mam!
Me: Bye bye Minna! Thank you for reading chapter 1 of my fanfic!

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