Chapter 6 - Friendship

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3rd Person's POV

Natsu/Lisanna controlling Natsu: "Because your our bestfriend duh!"

Lucy: "Okay.."
Lucy had a bad feeling but she just brushes that feeling aside.

Timeskip: At the guild

Lucy: "Neh neh Mira, have you seen Natsu and Happy?"
Mira: "They're on a 1 week mission."
Lucy: "What!? They didn't even asked if I can come with them!?" Friendship with Natsu: 80%

Gray heard their conversation and joined them

Mira: "See ya later Lucy! I gotta clean some dishes!"

Mira leaves with a matchmaking smirk.

Gray: "Lucy, wanna come with me on a mission? I'm low on jewels."
Lucy: "Sure! But what about Juvia? I think she'll kill me if I go with you."
Gray: "Don't worry about her, she's on a 5 day mission with Erza."
Lucy: "Okay! But before we pick a mission, you might want to put some clothes on.."
Gray: "What!!?? When did I..."

'Searches for his clothes'

Gray: "Found it! Now, have you picked a mission Lucy?"
Lucy: "Hai! Its a 2 week mission with a high amount of jewels!"
Gray: "Go tell Mira we're taking this mission." 'Yes! Without that flamebrain I can hang out with Lucy!! She's so cute!!'

'Lucy runs to Mira'

Lucy: "Mira! We're taking this one!"
Mira: "Hai! Also Lucy, good luck with Gray hehe!"
Lucy: "What do you mean??"

(A/N: In the anime Lucy has a wild imagination when it comes to love but in MY story, she's dense! Muahahaha! But not too dense like Natsu though)

Gray: "Lucy! Hurry up!"
Lucy: "Hai!! We'll see you in 2 weeks Mira! Bye!"
Mira: "Bye Lucy! 'Waves' "
Lucy: "Wait up Gray!" Friendship with Gray: 20%

With Juvia and Erza

Juvia: "Juvia feels like Gray-sama was stolen from Juvia......

Back to Gray and Lucy at the train

Gray and Lucy sat across each other.

Gray: 'I wanna sit next to Lucy!!'
"Lucy, can I sit next to you? I feel uncomfortable here."

Lucy: "Sure..." 'Feeling sleepy'

Gray sits next to Lucy

Lucy can't sleep so she summoned Plue and hugged him

Minutes passed and Lucy soon fell asleep in Gray's shoulders with a sleeping Plue in her hands

Gray: 'Uwaa!! Lucy's so cute no matter what she do!! >//////<'


Soooooo what do u think?? Vote for Graylu and comment for Nalu!! Sorry that I haven't been updating!! I got distracted with the whole new D.Gray-Man!!! Kyaaaa!! Allen-kun!!!

Allen: What is it Author-chan?
Me: Kyaaaa!!!! 'Fell unconscious'
Kanda: What did you do to her moyashi!?
Lavi: 'sees me unconscious' Neh Allen, who is she?
Allen: She's an Author
Kanda: What does that make her different from all the other author? Just leave her alone
Allen: Okay!
Me: 'Why u do this to me, Allen-kun T^T'
Kanda: We don't need her, you have me don't you?
Allen: 'blushes'
BAKANDA!!!! >////////<

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