Chapter 9 - Sleep

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3rd Person's POV

Lucy hoped that Gray should be sleeping, but it turns out he was awake and saw Lucy naked.

Gray: "Oi Lulu! What are you doing naked and running around the room like that?"

Lucy: "Kyaa!!"
Lucy immediately covered her body with her hands.

Lucy: "I just forgot my clothes! Stop staring at me and cover your eyes!"

Gray: "Okay okay! Sheesh.."
Gray covered his eyes. He was calm when he saw Lucy naked cause he was used to seeing her like that.

Lucy grabbed the towel and wrapped it around her body. She grabbed her clothes and runs back to the bathroom.

Gray heard the door shut that signaled him that Lucy's in the bathroom. He removed his hands and waited for her to come out.

A few minutes later
Lucy's POV

Kya! That was so embarrassing!! I just want to sleep!!
Oh.... I forgot.... Gray's gonna sleep on the same bed with me! Can this day can get more embarrassing!?

3rd Person's POV

Gray: "Neh Lulu come here!"
Lucy: "Okay."

Lucy comes to Gray at the bed.
Gray pulled Lucy in and hugged her like a pillow.

Lucy: "What the... Gray, what are you doing?"
Gray: "Just go to sleep already. I'm exhausted so don't try to move too much."
Lucy: "Okay."

Gray turned off the lights and hugged Lucy.
Lucy was blushing 'cause Gray's not wearing any clothes and only his boxers.
Since Gray is hugging Lucy like a pillow, Lucy's face was in Gray's chest and she was blushing too hard.

Lucy's thoughts: 'Waaaa!! Gray's hugging me!! >/////<'

A few minutes later

Lucy was getting sleepy and Gray's still hugging her. She wouldn't remove his hands 'cause she thought that Gray might have another nightmare like last time when they were in the train.

She then falls asleep with him.

Time Skip: The next day
Lucy's POV

Why is it so hot? Am I sweating? Wait... I'm not the one sweating, Gray is! Is he having another nightmare again?
(Note: They're still in that sleeping position)

Gray's dream and POV

"Lulu please return to Fairy Tail!" I shouted hoping she will come back.
"Eww, don't give me nicknames! We're never even close friends! Also, I never even been near in your guild once! Just return to your guild and leave me alone!" She shouted

She's not the Lucy I know and love... It's like she became a different person! I better come back to the guild and ask the others.

"And can you put on some clothes and leave through the door!" She shouted again.

I leave and walk to the guild to ask them if they remembered Lucy being in our guild.

I kicked the door and run to Natsu. Natsu saw me and he immediately did something I didn't expected..............
Sorry if you don't like he settings in the story but I'm doing my best to try to make it more interesting!!

Maybe I'll continue this story afterall (maybe) ;)
And while I'm writing the continuation of THIS story, I'll write the other one too (Lucy's Childhood Friends)!!

I can do this! Writing 2 stories is nothing more than watching 5 (slice of life, fantasy, comedy, horror, yaoi) anime everyday! (And trying so hard not to overreact cuz of the long wait for ONE episode to watch ONCE EVERY SUNDAY)
Bye byee!!

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