Love of A Mother

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"She got tired and fell asleep. See? She's perfectly fine." Something's off. In that vast forest, how could've mom found Naila if she was fast asleep? It's like she knows exactly where to go.

It took her about forty minutes just to find Naila, and she did it by herself. With everything going against her, it would've taken her longer. The rest of the kids and I were actually beginning to worry, and that we've contemplated on going in the forest ourselves.

"Wait, that's not a watch. It's a tracker, and that probably means that we have a chip inside us." Really? How do we get it out?

"She did that on purpose. Pulled out her watch, so we'd see and figure it out." Norman continued his deduction. "That must be mom's way of telling us No matter who you are, I wont let you escape!"

That was a little while ago, it was way pass dark with thunderous clouds looming around the house. It didn't rain yet, so i'm hopping that it wouldn't tomorrow. Norman and I plan on going back at the walls. But right now, we're on the stairs conversing.

"First, we've got to get some rope. I might have an idea where to look, we'll meet up in the hallway at ten." Norman said before turning his back to climb to the next floor.

"Wait!" I wisperyelled, grabbing Norman's right arm to express my concerns. "If they have tracking devices on us, then what if there are cameras and listening devices also?"

Norman amenitized my worry, but that's just one of them. "Norman, do you think mom already knows we've went all the way to the wall?"

"I doubt it. When we tried to deliver little bunny, it didn't seemed that she knew we were there."

"That tells us mom doesn't know where we are at any given time. She can only tell our location when she checks. What she does know is someone other than Conny brought Little bunny to the gate that night. However, I don't think she's figured out who yet. Otherwise, she wouldn't have warned us so indirectly." That makes sense, I suppose.

"Oh hey, Norman! Do you have a second?" Don called behind me. He must need something.

"Another broken clock? Sure thing, Don, I'll be right there!" Norman replied to Don before he whispered that everything will be fine.

I guess she does have no reason to suspect us. Norman left to help out Don, and I was left here out in the hallways. I turned to my left to be faced to a wall with multiple pieces of paper that have drawings on them stuck to it.

"Conny.." Why must she be gone? What did she ever do to deserve this? Every single on of us, what did we do wrong? All of us were raised, then served to demons as a meal.

So, did that mean that Elios is gone too? No! It can't be! He said he would come and visit us! His letter--

His letter. He sent one to me, how? Could he be possibly alive? Please, let it be so. Please, Elios. SAY YOU'RE ALIVE!

"What's wrong, Emma?"

"You're looking a bit pale."

"Something happen? I noticed earlier that you weren't you're cheery self."

"Emma? Emma, why aren't you speaking? Please tell me what's the problem, Emma, I'll help you if you do."

"Oh Uh, sorry. I was spacing out for a bit there huh, mom? Don't worry about me, I just got a little sad thinking about how I'm gonna have to leave the house pretty soon."

"Do you like living here?"

"I love the house, and you too!"

We ended up in hug before conversing a tad bit more. Let's see, what can I say to throw away mom's suspicions? "I wonder what Conny's up to right now?"

What else? "You know what? She said she wanted to be a loving mother just like you when she grows up!"

A pause. "Yes, I remember. Conny will become a lovely young woman, and a good mother too."

How can you say that? She would've become a great mother, I know it. But you sacrificed her to the demons, how do you do that and still utter such words!

"Hey, I know just the thing to cheer you up. Remember earlier, when I said that we would have guests coming?" Yeah, I remember.

"What of it?"

"Those guests would've actually been Elios and his foster parents." What? My eyes lit up, but I have yet to say nor do anything.

"Is something the matter, Emma? I thought that you would be exhilareted after hearing the news." I-- Wha-- Don't do this to me! Why are you like this? Do you enjoy seeing us suffer? It's bad enough that I loss so many people I care for, but you had to play me with the person whom mattered to me most? I don't even know if he's alive or not!

"Are you kidding? I'm even more than exhilareted, I'm excited! Joyous! Elated, even. I can't believe Elios is coming back. It's been so long, but it's getting late, don't you think? Are they still coming?"

"About that, due to the weather we're having, they decided to hold off on their travel. They said that they would try to get here as soon as possible, but there's really no telling when they would come."

"Oh, really? That's a shame. But, then again, I've waited this long! I'm sure I can wait a little while longer."

Ding-a-ling! I looked behind mom to see Ray ringing a hand bell. "Food's done, time to wash up for dinner."

The doors soon opened for the other kids to run out, while Norman came around the corner telling me to come along. So, I quickly got beside him and we both started climbing down the stairs.

"About last night." We stopped immediately. "Did the two of you go to the gate?"

"To the gate? But that's against the rules. Besides, we're tired from playing tag yesterday, right?" Norman covered for the both of us, and I gave him a nod for the question he asked me.

"That's right!" Please, let us go.

"Why do you ask?"

"Nevermind, as long as you didn't go." We smiled back at her before continuing to head downstairs.

But as soon as we reached the floor. My legs immediately collapsed, and I dropped to my knees. Norman stayed standing, but requiered the railing for support. Both of us struggled to breath before Norman tried to help me stood up, although I can easily see that he was equally as frightened as I were.

Nevertheless, I took his offer and grabbed his hand. Each other's pressence calm us both, and we made our way to the dining area. Later, we would both go to the storage unit to find anything we can use as ropes for climbing the wall. Hopefully, neither of us run into mom this time around.

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