Back at Grace Field

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Why am I like this? Do I seriously miss Elios that much? It's been 4 months since he left, and I'm still hurting. I hate this. I can't get my mind to stop thinking about him. Why can't I?

"This sucks." A sigh escaped my lips.

He didn't even say goodbye. He got adopted the night before his birthday, right when we were all sleeping. Ever since mom announced Elios was being adopted, the other kids and I planned out both his birthday and farewell party, but he never got to enjoy it.

"Why did you have to leave, anyway?" He was already happy here with us. With me, mom, Ray, Norman, Gilda, Don, and everyone else. Actually, that was a bit selfish of me, wasn't it?

I'm sorry, Elios. I don't mean to be so sullen on something that makes you happy. I just want to see you again, you know? I miss you.

"EMMA! Come on, come play with us." I hear Don yelling my name. For these pass few months the other kids have tried to cheer me up. I truly am grateful for them, every time I'm sad they're always there for me.

I guess I might as well play tag, it's not like I got anything better to do. So, I put on a smile before facing the kids who've gathered around me. "Sure! Who's It?"

"I am!" Gilda announced. "Get ready, Emma! This is the day that I'll finally caught up to you, Ray, and Norman!"

"But haven't you caught me multiple times already?" Ray asked.

"Yeah, but were only able to because you always give up too early! You always say you're tired or whatnot, but we all know you're not!" Don accused Ray, pointing an finger at him for dramatic effect.

"Honestly though, Ray. Try to play with a little bit of competitiveness, would you?" Norman politely asked him.

Ray just grunted and looked away.

"Alright! Let's start!"

And the game begins. The children ran in different directions towards the forest. My strategy was to head towards the very edge near the fences. In a few minutes, I've reached my destination. Along the way, I successfully evaded Gilda by using my siblings as decoys. It wasn't my proudest moment, but it is just a game, right?

Now that I've gained distance from Gilda, I can finally catch my breath a bit. I sat on the ground, but remained vigilant. Unfortunately, a raven suddenly landed in front of me, and it made me scream. Having not seen one before up close, I was frightened and got jumped scared.

"Darn it. You just gave away my position, little fella." I say to the black-feathered bird.

I was about to leave and find a new spot for me to hide, but noticed something tied on the foot of the raven. I kneeled in front of it to take a closer look, and saw it was a piece of paper. Was it a messenger bird?

I reached my hand out, but it spoke! Can birds even talk? I never knew this. The more you know, I guess. "Emma! Emma! You're Emma, are you not?"

What should I say? "Uh, yes? Who's asking?"

"My name is Nevermore! You are Emma! You're Elios' friend! A friend of Elios' is a friend of Nevermore!" It squawked.

What was his name? Nevermo— Wait! Did he say Elios?!

"Elios? Did you say Elios? What about him?" I pleaded for the raven named Nevermore to tell me.

"Elios asked Nevermore a favor of giving Emma a letter!"

A letter? He sent me one! I have to tell the others after. I grabbed the paper stuck to its foot, and read it. I was so happy to finally receive a letter from Elios that I think tears started to fall, not to mention the fact that he will return! I don't even mind that it's three years, so long as he will come back.

"Is Emma okay?"

"Yes, Nevermore. I'm okay, thank you for asking. I'm just so happy that Elios finally sent me a letter!"

He hopped closer to me. "Why is Emma red?"

I'm red? I wiped the tears on both my cheeks, and tried to think of a reason why. Was I sick? I haven't been taking care of myself lately though. So, maybe? But don't worry, Elios! I'll take care of myself properly from now on, I promise you!

Then, Nevermore suddenly flew away as Gilda came out of the bush and tackled me.

"Aha! I finally found you, Emma!"

"Oh! Uh, yes, you did!" I say covering the piece of paper Elios had sent me. I can't let anyone else see this.

Gilda soon continued the search for Ray and Norman, whom I assume are the last ones in the forest. I went back to the house, but I saw Nevermore still flying above me. So, I thought about writing a letter back at Elios, he never said I couldn't!

But then, I realized something. If Nevermore could talk, why do we need to use letters? I'm sure there's a reason, but right now I'm more focused on finding a pen and paper I could use!

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